
Showing posts from April, 2006
YOM HASHOAH HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY April 25, 2006 The Holocaust, symbolized by Auschwitz, the worst of the death camps, occurred in the wake of consistent, systematic, unrelenting anti-Jewish propaganda campaign. As a result, the elimination of the Jews from German society was accepted as axiomatic, leaving open only two questions: when and how. As Germany expanded its domination and occupation of Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, the Low Countries, Yugoslavia, Poland, parts of the USSR, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Italy and others countries, the way was open for Hitler to realize his well-publicized plan of destroying the Jewish people. HELL ON EARTH: After experimentation, the use of Zyklon B on unsuspecting victim was adopted by the Nazis as the means of choice, and Auschwitz was selected as the main factory of death (more accurately, one should refer to the “Auschwitz-Birkenau complex”). The green light for mass annihilation was given at the Wannsee Conference, January 20, 1942, a...
Photo Credit: Jude Nagurney Camwell TRUTH "Truth will go anywhere to rescue anyone. You need only be ready to come back home. It makes no difference how long or far you have wandered. Since Truth does not fear what you fear, it can seek and find you in the deepest jungle, and guide you back to where you really belong." - Vernon Howard The Daily Guru
TRUE LOVE "True love, my dear is putting an iron clad grip upon the sore, swollen balls of a Divine Rogue Elephant and not having the good fortune to die!" - Rumi
SOME DOWN-TO-EARTH THOUGHTS ON SOULMATES "The common misconception about soulmates is that they are meant to be together. The soul is a mysterious and undiscovered country. It weaves a fabric of existence far beyond life and the deeper meaning of what lies beneath are easily misinterpreted by those who try to simplify its workings into definable concepts. "The word is abused by those who fall in love and stay together for long periods of time, even for their whole life. It is easier to do this with someone who is not your soulmate. Someone who fits the definition of soulmate is fully in tune with your thoughts, your ways and your pain. They are too close to you to be close to you. "By direct definition, a soulmate is someone with whom you have mated with at the soul. Not at the heart, the mind or the body. You may not even be physically attracted to your soulmate because the attraction is on a completely different level. It is an attraction so powerful that it borders o...
INSIDE Inside the doors are sealed to love Inside my heart is sleeping Inside the fingers of my glove Inside the bones of my right hand Inside it's colder than the stars Inside the dogs are weeping Inside the circus of the wind Inside the clocks are filled with sand Inside he'll never hurt me Inside the winter's creeping Inside the compass of the night Inside the folding of the land Outside the stars are turning Outside the world's still burning Inside my head's a box of stars I never dared to open Inside the wounded hide their scars, inside this lonesome sparrow's fall Inside the songs of our defeat, they sing of treaties broken Inside this army's in retreat, we hide beneath the thunder's call Outside the rain keeps falling Outside the drums are calling Outside the flood won't wait Outside they're hammering down the gate Love is the child of an endless war Love is an open wound still raw Love is a shameless banner unfurled Love's an explosio...
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children. -Kahlil Gibran
picture credits: Jude Nagurney Camwell The Gift of Listening -- Author unknown We believe that we listen, but it's not true. Listening, if we did it deeply and fully, would transform our lives. Listening is an experience of communion when we choose to be present, when we "hear" with our heart and not just with our ears. Listening is not a casual or insignificant act, but an act of great purpose and beauty, an act that will inspire and uplift. It is a way that we can offer each other love and respect. We listen not to agree or disagree, but simply to hear each other's experience. And we speak not to obtain attention or approval, but to communicate what is in our hearts and minds. Our greatest joy is not to find agreement with others, but to experience hearing and being heard deeply and without judgment. kudos to IDDYBUD for this wonderful post! picture credits: Jude Nagurney Camwell
"White House Memo" Drives a Stake into the Heart of White House Lies By Bob Fertik Something remarkable happened Monday: the Corporate Media finally got sick of Bush's endless lies about Iraq, and started to tell the truth. The immediate cause was a front-page New York Times story about the "White House Memo," a 5-page report on the White House meeting between George Bush and Tony Blair on January 31, 2003 - seven weeks before the invasion of Iraq. At that time, millions of us were protesting around the world. We all knew Bush wanted war - that's why we were protesting! - but Bush insisted publicly that he did not, and the Corporate Media let him get away with his lies. The "White House Memo" proves that Bush was lying - saying one thing in public while saying the opposite in private. In private, he told Tony Blair that war was inevitable, and that it didn't matter if WMD's were found or if the U.N. adopted a resolution actually authorizing...