Looks Can Be Decieving

Living with an invisible disability isn't easy. Living with any disability can be soul-wrenching. But the invisibly disabled get a special sort of prejudice and disdain from the healthy public that has to be one of the circles of Dante's hell. Hard enough that we have to go through rounds of doctors to finally ferret out what is wrong with us; only to be accused of doctor shopping . But when we finally are diagnosed, many of us have to give up our dignity, our dreams and a lot of people we considered friends don't stick around too long, either. Yesterday I had to go to pick up some medication with one of my children. I pulled into the handicapped spot and put up my placard. When I came out I went around to the back of my car and pulled a small box out to place it in the back seat for easier access when I got home. As I was getting back into the driver's seat I noticed a woman standing on the passenger side of my car, looking it up and down... glaring. ...