
Showing posts from 2010

Ousted Gays Want Back in with the Military

By DAVID CRARY Joseph Rocha reported being cruelly hazed by Navy colleagues. Katherine Miller resigned from West Point halfway through, weary of concealing her sexual orientation. David Hall was outed by a fellow Air Force cadet and booted from the career he loved. The exits from military service were wrenching consequences of "don't ask, don't tell," the policy prohibiting gay and lesbian personnel from being open about their sexuality. Yet Hall, Rocha and Miller savored military duty and now — with "don't ask, don't tell" heading toward oblivion — they want to return. Rocha, 24, was in Washington on Wednesday, watching euphorically as President Barack Obama signed the bill clearing the way for repeal of the 17-year-old policy. Obama encouraged those who were discharged to re-enlist, and Rocha said he hopes to do just that by enrolling in the Marine Corps' Officer Candidates School in Quantico, Va. "I had a rough childhood, and th...

Lack Of Awareness Disorder (L.O.A.D.)

I had the good fortune to stumble on Ms. Lefave's blog a while back. Her writing on psychology & psychiatry is insightful and laser-like in cutting through the b.s. My kinda girl. She absolutely nails the "get over it" crowd -- those pathology sympathizers who think victims of emotional, psychological trauma and emotional rape are just being 'overly dramatic.' She also nails the perpetrators of the trauma who want you to A CT LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED and smear you for being angry and demanding accountability. Especially the CLUELESS therapists, life coaches and snake oil salespeople who try to treat sufferers and end up revictimizing them all over again. You Go, Ms. Lefave! By Patricia Lefave, Labeled, D.D.(P) What is L.O.A.D.? Well, it is described by many of the family members as a frightening altered state much like the hypnotic trance or brainwashed state of cult members. It tends to strike the upper classes just as much, if not more than a...


by Tzvi Freeman Question: I've been getting into Torah lately. But the more I learn, the more I see how everyone around me is doing it all wrong. I don't mean the people that are not observant. I mean the people that have committed to an observant life. There's so much hypocrisy!   Answer: Don't get so excited. It's just a personality thing. You're probably one of those School of Shammai souls. Remember the story with the Talmudic sage Shammai? A man came and asked, "Convert me to Judaism on condition that you tell me the entire Torah while I stand on one foot!" Shammai chased the mocker out with a yardstick. So he went to Hillel. Hillel converted him on the spot and then told him: "That which is hateful to you, don't do to others. This is the entire Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn it!" Some people tie their shoelaces a little looser. Some tie them real tight. Some let the world come in as one big blur. Others foc...


It has been a true pleasure & learning experience meeting other Jewish bloggers (and friends) these last 6 years. I have learned a great deal from you on my Journey. May you, your family and those you care about be well & prosper. Now let's go kick some blog butt. - Barbara

Goyim Friends

GOYIM FRIENDS by The LeeVees (from Hanukah Rocks) All my goyim friends are making up their lists And all my goyim friends get some pretty sweet gifts Like snowboards, cell phones, paintball guns and iPods Memberships to the last restricted golf clubs But we, we will march on Six-pack of socks from each of our Moms It's oh so wrong But we will march on And all my goyim friends are eating up their ham Honey-glazed, baked to perfection With dinner rolls, gravy boats and turkey Crème brulée, cherry pie, and fruitcake (yuck) But we, we will march on With General Tsao and egg foo yong Takeout's not wrong And we will march on We have heard all of our goyim friends say How lucky we are to get off each holiday Like Tu BiSh'vat, Purim and Rosh Hashanah Passover, Sukkot and Simchat Torah And we, we have more stuff From holiday fun All the day long While they have none And we have marched on We've got the day off And another day off See ya Mond...

Characteristics of a Good Mother

by Teresa McEntire There are many mothers in the world, both good and bad. I have seen mothers that I wish that I could be more like and those that I think should never have had children in the first place. But what exactly makes a woman a good mother? Anthropologist Margaret Mead has spent years studying children, parents, and the methods used by mothers raising children all over the world. When asked what she considered the most "valuable capacities for a mother to have." She replied by giving five qualities that she feels every good mother must possess. 1. Treats each child as an individual. A good mother realizes that every child is not the same. She understands that children are not just an extension of or born to be a helper for their parent, but that each child is an "individual in their own right." 2. A good mother helps their child set out on their own path . Allowing the child to follow that path, regardless of the mother's desires. Yet at...

Why Jerusalem Can Not Be 'Divided'

By David Weinberg The Obama-Netanyahu confrontation is that the White House wants to move Israel rapidly towards a division of Jerusalem. However, the widely held presumption that splitting Jerusalem will lead to prosperity for the city and to peace for Jews and Arabs is an egregious error. Partitioning Jerusalem will destroy the city. It will die, in every way - culturally, religiously, economically and more. And politically, the shearing of Jerusalem into Arab and Jewish sovereignties will turn it into the bull's eye of Mideast battle - a city that will make Belfast at its worst look like paradise. The main reason for this is that any section of the city handed over to Arab rule will immediately become ground zero for the fierce war being waged within the Arab world over Islamic lifestyle, ideology and legitimacy. Just who is going to rule in Arab eastern Jerusalem? Will it be the declining secular Palestinian national movement (whose sway in the West Bank is tentative a...

Happy Thanksgiving

May you all know the happiness & joy of being with those you love & those who love you! God Bless America. Barbara Mayflower Descendant THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Having undertaken, for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern Parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, Covenant and Combine ourselves together into a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Col...

Big Brother Loves Pat Downs

TSA Patdowns Have No Limits and Are Dangerous for Women by Kathryn Ciano TSA agents can do whatever they want. If that seems crazy, consider the facts. Here we have a government agency-gone-wild that gives officials total discretion over what circumstances require. If an individual in an airport seems suspicious, TSA agents can touch that passenger in whatever way they want until they are satisfied that the situation is safe. Still sounds crazy? Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claims that airport security cameras take private photos merely to scan individuals for weapons. Napolitano claims that these photos are viewable only to TSA officers and that they are not so invasive that officers could see anything inappropriate. Here is an example of one such “private” photo, leaked on the internet by TSA officers. It’s not just about pictures anymore. In this video on YouTube, Owen J. J. Jones tells the chilling story of TSA officials putting their h...

How Evil Hides From Itself

by my friend 'Anna Valerious' (another Child of a Narcissistic Parent and blogger extraordinnaire!) ALL of this is easily extrapolated for use on narcissists & sub-criminal psychopaths in all walks of life (not just parents). ...Evil people don't wake up each day deciding which evil deeds to accomplish. They admit to no evil because define themselves and their deeds as good and right. I'm going to explain a little more how they create this alternate reality. It is important you understand how they twist their thinking because you have probably been sucked into believing their insane logic. I am convinced the narcissist senses deep down they are evil. Their whole existence is defined by their efforts to deny this nagging sense. Hence, the universal quality of narcissists to avoid introspection and their profligate use of projection. It is possible, though very rare, for an evil person to admit they are evil. Evil people who admit they are evil tend toward the...

A Malignant Narcissist's Error Tactics

I read this on one of my all-time favorite blogs and it really hit home. A few people have tried to demoralize me too. Even my late narcissistic parent. And its what terrorists do to get others to do what they want - demoralize. It's petty. So, herewith, an excerpt from Kathy Krajco's masterful blog : The aim of Error Tactics, then, is to demoralize us. First, don't allow a narcissist to relate to you as your judge. You can confront any attempt to do so. But you don't have to. You can just non-respond to it. In other words, act as though the narcissist didn't say the judgemental thing they just said. Change the subject. Walk out of the room. You are taking away their mirror. Then they can't see the image they're projecting in it. That is very unsettling to a narcissist. Really. Since they identify with that mirage, by making it disappear you give them an existential problem! There is probably nothing meaner you can do to a narcissist than just act...

How U.K. Doctors Killed a Girl with CFIDS/ME

PLEASE WATCH THIS WHOLE VIDEO The doctors and psychiatrist threatened Sophia with sectioning in a mental hospital if she refused to go into a particular M.E. Clinic. They carried out their threat in July 2003. The effects on Sophia's health were devastating. She died on 25th November 2005. She was only 32. I believe it is now time that not only the public in general, but doctors, psychiatrists, the legal profession and M.P.s should read Sophia's documents. They need to see them so that they can understand how the doctors, psychiatrists, social workers and others in high places coldly ignored the truly terrible physical suffering she endured; how her right to make a valid choice was brushed aside and her human rights totally abused. It is clear to me that grave injustices were done to her, not only in her life, but in what I see as a 'cover up' in her death. This same criteria is still being used against many thousands of others with M.E. in a similar way. From: ht...