
Showing posts from March, 2010

Miriam's Cup

Several new Passover seder rituals are being adopted by Jewish familes to honor the role of Miriam, Moses's sister and the Prophetess in the Exodus, and to highlight the contributions of women to Jewish culture, both past and present. A second cup, called Miriam's Cup, is being added to the Passover dinner table along with Elijah's Cup. Miriam's Cup is filled with water and symbolizes the miracle of Miriam's well, which sustained the Israelites during their long journey in the desert.

Abstinence Only Programs... They're Baaaack

Seems Obama embraced it as part of his continued efforts to subjagate women. I think we need to impose a FINE on every politician that lands in a sex scandal. The deficit would be paid off in no time! (and for gosh sake, get rid of Nancy Pelosi!!) Please read this commentary from the inscrutable Uppity Woman , who - as always - says it better than I ever could! What day is the protest against the reinstated Abstinence Only program? Politics Daily noticed something interesting. The purpose of the program was to promote virginity among the ten remaining virgins in the USA, and discourage sex outside of marriage. It was a very Far Right Wing Whacko Chrstian-y thing, the kind of thing that sends the Far Left Wing Whackos into seizures of anger, complete with eyes rolling backwards into their sockets and uncontrollable body twitching. The 2010 Health Care Reform bill has a little noticed provision in it that provides $250 million for the reinstatement of the very same program. The Na...

Holy Father, I can stay no longer in this Church of Disgust

I was raised staunchly Catholic. My father converted (much to the horror of his family) to marry the Polish Catholic girl he was in love with. And he embraced Catholicism with all his heart. It helped give him purpose, direction and a compass - something that had been lacking in his Protestant upbringing. When we moved to Central New York when I was 9, we went to the big Catholic Church in town. And there it started, the hypocrisy... the unnecessary meanness... the do as I say not as I do... Even corporal punishment. When I was 17 I was teaching Bible Studies to a Christian Youth group at the local Baptist Church's community center. The Church issued me a warning... for READING THE BIBLE! Then one day, my brother - who was coming down with the flu - forgot one of his books for his CCD class. The nun made him walk all the way back to his school (4 miles) in the driving snow - instead of putting him on the bus. When he got to school he had a 102F fever and went to the hos...

How to Lie Like A Dog

(Can I be sick now? - Barbara) In today's society lying is no longer an option, it is a skill that is absolutely necessary for survival . I’m not here to discuss the ethics of lying (that’s what philosophy websites are for), nor am I here to tell you to always be “good” (the world isn’t black and white by the way). Nope, I’m here to tell you how to lie and lie so well that no one (not even your own mother) will know. But this is only fair. The world can be a downright evil place and it’s totally reasonable that you have the tools to fight back. With that said I’m going to treat everyone like an adult, and ask that you use these abilities for good… mmmkay? A Sharp Double-Edged Sword Knowing when you should lie is a tricky skill all by itself. So before lying you should first evaluate both the potential benefits of a successful lie against the consequences of getting caught. If the benefits clearly outweigh the risks, then you are probably good to go. But remember that you may be ris...


...IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN By Ed Koch I consider the Obama administration's recent actions against the Israeli government to be outrageous and a breach of trust . I refer to the denunciations by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other administration officials The world knows what happened; nevertheless, I will try to put it into context. Vice President Joe Biden was in Jerusalem to convey to the Israelis and the world that the United States government is committed to protecting and assuring the security of Israel from attack. While he was there, an Israeli government minister announced that the Israeli government had authorized the construction of 1,600 apartments in East Jerusalem to be occupied by Jews. Currently, 280,000 Jews live in East Jerusalem, and these apartments were to be added to an existing complex, built on land owned by Jews; about 250,000 Jews live on the West Bank outside of Jerusalem. The timing of the Israeli government...

Obama Screws Women... AGAIN

Lately, Obambi's really been into screwing - Israel, now women - again... This from the wonderful, insightful and must-read Uppity Woman: Hey NOW, NARAL, Ms. Magazine, Emily! Sorry, no free pen for you from this signing! I can’t find any publicity shots of the signing either, but I’ll bet Bart Stupak was there. If I find a photo of this sexist pig event, I’ll update. I’m sure it was a lovely occasion in honor of all those women who will die thanks to Barack Obama. Well, it’s done. Hey—! Maybe you could all write another scary press release or something. Ooooooooohhhhh, you are all sooooooooo powerful! The women who got their heads bashed in so you could throw away all of your rights bit by bit would be so proud. Go back to sleep now. Atta girlz! Hey Ms.! Maybe you could do a cover called This Is What A Coat Hanger Looks Like. There ya go! SOURCE

Do You Know Someone with These Issues?

I do. Me. COMMON SYMPTOMS OF ABUSE SURVIVORS Victoria Polin, MA, ATR, LCPC and Gail Roy, MA, ATR, LCPC 1. Low self-esteem, feeling worthless. 2. Fear of abandonment and other abandonment issues. 3. Acting out behavior. Not knowing how to identify, process and or express intense feelings in more productive ways. 4. Unexplained fears of being alone at night, nightmares and/or night terrors. . . 5. Feeling overly grateful/appreciative from small favors by others. 6. Boundary issues: lack of, needing to be in control, power issues, fear of losing control... 7. Eating disorders including: anorexia, bulimia, compulsive over-eating etc... 8. Headaches, arthritis and/or joint pain, gynecological disorders, stomach aches and other symptomology. 9. Unexplained anxiety/ panic. 10. Extreme guilt/ shame. 11. Obsessive/compulsive behaviors (not necessarily Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder). 12. History of being involved in emotionally, psychological and/or physically violent relationships (emotionally...

Do Jews Believe in an Afterlife?

By Tzvi Freeman Answer: There isn't anything after life, because life never ends. It just goes higher and higher. The soul is liberated from the body and returns closer to her source than ever before. The Torah assumes this in its language many times -- describing Abraham's death, for example, as going to rest with his fathers and similar phrases. The Talmud discusses the experiences of several people who made the trip there and back. Classic Jewish works such as Maavor Yabok describe the process of entering the higher world of life as a reflection of the soul's experiences while within the body: If the soul has become entrenched in material pleasures, she experiences the pain of ripping herself away from them so that she can experience the infinitely higher pleasure of basking in G-dly light. If she is soiled and injured by acts that sundered her from her true self while below, then she must be cleansed and healed. On the other hand, the good deeds and wisdom she has gai...

Mirror, Mirror

by Barbara It’s not a lot of fun to be big or overweight and female in our society. Especially when it isn’t your fault. I suffer from an endocrine problem called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I have had this scourge since I was 9 years old but it’s only in the past 11 years I have developed a problem with my weight. And I hate it and it’s not fun. In fact, I can’t stand looking in the mirror – clothes on or off. Doctors need to coax the gown off to examine me. Nowhere but the shower does anyone see much more of me. My friends tell me I am too hard on myself. My friend John made a great observation to me the other day, and I had to admit he was right. We met online in a health related chat about 14 years ago and have since met in person and become good friends. He told me, “You are one of the most compassionate and deepest people I have ever met. But when it comes to your own appearance – you are so shallow!” He went on to tell me that weight or not, I am still very at...

Some People Can't Be Cured

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured by Norman Doidge What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy? That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 sex offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths. All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals. The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated ...

Obama Still Not Getting it about Violence Against Women

And why are we surprised? POTUS is an empty suit. A narcissistic con-man who is all talk. Every issue is just part of his endless "Love Me, the Obamessiah, PLEEEASE" campaign. Just look at the way he treated Hillary during his Presidential run. Minimizing and marginalizing her. Talking down to her. Millions of people have admitted they are SORRY they didn't back her and vote for her... duh! now look where female abuse victims are... all talk, no REAL SUBSTANCE... sign a proclamation and get back to Obambi's CEASELESS SELF-PROMOTION. Where does that leave victims?? The answer is not one that Obambi really wants to hear or cares about. President Harold Hill and his teleprompter... helping marginalize women throughout the U.S.A. ~~~ by Randi Rosen President Obama is obviously shielded at the fact the Violence Against Women Act is failing. Victims are not getting the services they need, the very coalitions that are funded by the Violence Against Women Act ...

Those Who Attempt to Silence Their Opponents

This is for YOU, President Obama! Suspicion must always fall on those who attempt to silence their opponents. – Ian Buckley OFFICIAL NOTICE: This Internet page contains thoughts and ideas that are not consistent with or in keeping with the policies and ideas expressed by Barack Obama and/or the Democrat party. Accordingly, you are hereby notified that that the thoughts, ideas and facts presented on this web page constitute hate speech and you are warned that, as such, they may cause discomfort or offense to Democrats, liberals, those educated by the government, non-achievers, those suffering from wealth-envy and followers of The Chosen One. Govern yourself accordingly.

Shabbat Shalom Everyone

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The Punishment of a Liar

"This is the punishment of a liar: he is not believed, even when he speaks the truth." - The Talmud PLEASE CLICK HERE TO JBLOG ME

How NOT to Advance Arab - Israeli Peace

by David Harris Throughout his life, one of Yasser Arafat's favorite themes was that there was no historical Jewish connection to Israel. He would assert that there never was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, that the Western Wall has no Jewish significance, and even that Abraham himself wasn't a Jew. Indeed, he went so far as to reject the Jewish link to Jerusalem in the presence of US President Bill Clinton during the Camp David talks, evoking outrage from the American leader and offering insight into why the negotiations were doomed to fail . Arafat's views, unsurprisingly, were echoed relentlessly by Palestinian media outlets and textbooks, not to mention Muslim clergy. Generations of Palestinians were "educated" to believe that the Jews were interlopers, not a people indigenous to the Middle East. This had nothing to do with history, since there was abundant evidence of the intimate Jewish tie to the land dating back well over 3500 years, not to mention the spiri...

The Toll of Abuse on Women

For the women I counsel ... by Michele Toomey, PhD Abuse that begins in childhood takes the highest toll. Children are just forming their view of the world, their sense of who they are in relation to the world, and where the power lies. Abused girls tend to learn that they are unworthy and have little or no power and that the bullies are superior and have all the power. Some abused girls react rebelliously and counterattack, becoming abusers themselves, but they are the minority. Either way, childhood abuse takes a toll that has a lifetime effect. The most devastating toll is the self-abuse that evolves out of being abused. Children think they deserve the abuse, and they turn on themselves. Instead of learning how to live intimately and at one with themselves, in keeping with the integrity they were born with, they are at war with themselves, violating themselves and their integrity. They learn to say to themselves the abusive words and phrases that have been directed at them. They for...