Abstinence Only Programs... They're Baaaack

Seems Obama embraced it as part of his continued efforts to subjagate women. I think we need to impose a FINE on every politician that lands in a sex scandal. The deficit would be paid off in no time! (and for gosh sake, get rid of Nancy Pelosi!!)

Please read this commentary from the inscrutable Uppity Woman, who - as always - says it better than I ever could!

What day is the protest against the reinstated Abstinence Only program?

Politics Daily noticed something interesting.

The purpose of the program was to promote virginity among the ten remaining virgins in the USA, and discourage sex outside of marriage. It was a very Far Right Wing Whacko Chrstian-y thing, the kind of thing that sends the Far Left Wing Whackos into seizures of anger, complete with eyes rolling backwards into their sockets and uncontrollable body twitching.

The 2010 Health Care Reform bill has a little noticed provision in it that provides $250 million for the reinstatement of the very same program.

The National Abstinence Education Organization (Who Knew?), which I would assume approves of Sexual Repression as a Healthy Choice for the rest of your life unless you find you a spouse like normal people such as themselves do, is absolutely thrilled with this Decision made by our far left Democratic Congress and our Far Left President, all of whom at one time or another have made it very clear that teen pregnancy-rate data clearly shows that abstinence programs don’t work and teen pregnancies are on the rise. This special organization, which I’m sure is the a major recipient of this grant money, has even taken the time to find a study that gives other reasons why teen pregnancies are on the rise. In other words, even though teen pregnancies are on the rise, abstinence programs reduce teen pregnancies. Take your time to think about that. I’ll wait.

I think I could explain this phenomenon at half the cost of that study. It’s about a generation of kids we have taught to look for consolations while leaving consquences to others. For example, when it comes to taking financial responsibility for one’s self, 25 is the new 15. However, when it comes to enjoying a good orgasm, 15 is the new 25. The other problem that leads me to believe we are about to waste yet another $250 million, is the fact that teenagers are following the 20-somethings in the rejection of Religion. This is all thanks to religious zealots who have hyper-badgered everyone for more than a decade, thereby causing everyone to run away from them as quickly as possible. Okay, where can I pick up my Study check?

Anyways, back to the happy (and well-funded!) president of the NAEA:
“We’re happy to see that funding will continue so the important sexual health message of risk avoidance will reach American teens,” said National Abstinence Education Association Director Valerie Huber.

Apparently, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid agree, data suddenly be damned. So, I was wondering when we can expect to see the protests in the streets, including posters with Barack And Joe’s pictures shown below the tirades?

Just asking.

Since, as far as I know, there are no protests scheduled, I can only assume that the “Abstinence Only” program that was declared to be an Epic Fail when brought to us by Bush-Cheney is much more effective now that Barack Obama has approved of it.

What other explanation could there possibly be?



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