
Showing posts from August, 2010

The MYTH of Islamophobia

Not once, since the Cordoba House Mosque controversy started - not ONCE have I heard the Imam or any of the mosque's planners, etc.  say they would be willing to move the mosque elsewhere.  No - they are SET on it being 2 blocks from Ground Zero. People actions speak MUCH louder than words and this action says it all - the mosque is a provocation.  An excuse for those who will be deluged with protests, attacks on the building, attacks on people worshipping there to say " SEE!! Americans are anti-muslim ."  And that's bulls**t.   If it was about a place of worship, moving it would a simple, easy to discuss matter.  A matter openly on the table.  But no, they're adamant.  And frankly, they're bullies.  Muslims have the right to worship in peace just like anyone else.  Since the planners won't discuss moving it - peaceful worship is obviously not the driving force here, is it? This is a very sensitive issue to people who lost loved ...

D.O.A.: Your Disability Insurance at Work

I was at NYU Hospital in May 2009. While sitting there I picked up a magazine that talked about the importance of disability insurance. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE WHAT A COMPLETE CROCK!! The article was obviously a marketing tool bought & paid for by the insurance industry. Do yourselves a favor and google the name of your disability insurer + "complaints." Disability insurers do EVERYTHING they can to deny you. They play the numbers hoping you won't appeal, that you will be too sick to appeal or that you will just go away thinking there's nothing you can do. Insurance is a money-making operation and ONE OF THE LARGEST LOBBYING GROUPS IN WASHINGTON. I have spent enough time on the Hill talking to various representatives about ERISA Reform and the extremely predatory nature of insurance companies. Because I have experienced it for myself. "Lack of medical evidence" is used very often to deny claims because they are reviewed by clerks, NOT MEDIC...

Unconscionable Treatment of our Traumatized Military!

At the height of the Iraq war, the Army routinely fired hundreds of soldiers for having a personality disorder when they were more likely suffering from the traumatic stresses of war, discharge data suggest. Under pressure from Congress and the public, the Army later acknowledged the problem and drastically cut the number of soldiers given the designation. But advocates for veterans say an unknown number of troops still unfairly bear the stigma of a personality disorder, making them ineligible for military health care and other benefits. "We really have an obligation to go back and make sure troops weren't misdiagnosed," said Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen, a clinical psychologist whose non-profit "Give an Hour" connects troops with volunteer mental health professionals. The Army denies that any soldier was misdiagnosed before 2008, when it drastically cut the number of discharges due to personality disorders and diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorders skyro...

Emotional Shock & Broken Heart Syndrome

This has happened to me about three times in my life - but in March 2004 when I went to the E.R. with chest pain, vomitting and faintness - the doctors finally gave it a name. STRESS CARDIOMYOPATHY. I am taking measures to see that this trauma is never visited on me again. The sudden shock of losing a loved one can cause classic heart attack-like symptoms of a broken heart, doctors say. Tragic events have been known to produce symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, and fluid in the lung, but no one knew why. In a new study, researchers show stress cardiomyopathy, the "broken heart syndrome" triggered by sudden emotional shock, is real. Unlike in a true heart attack in which the heart muscle is damaged permanently, those who suffer from the syndrome recover in two weeks or less after receiving fluids and bedrest. In contrast, heart attack victims partially recover in weeks or months. In the study, doctors at Johns Hopkins University used sophisticated te...

Blago? Guilty on Only One Count? Retry Him!

Even the Narcissist - Blago - had to admit he was shooting off his mouth too much. (In a feeble attempt to rewrite history!) Rod Blagojevich was convicted on one count of making false statements to federal authorities Tuesday, but the jury could not reach a verdict on the 23 other counts facing the former Illinois governor, forcing the judge to declare a mistrial. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said prosecutors will retry Blagojevich on at least some of the 23 other counts, including extortion, bribery and conspiracy on allegations that he converted his office into what prosecutors called a “corrupt ring” that included an attempt to trade President Barack Obama's old Senate seat in exchange for jobs and money.   Jurors twice told a federal judge over 14 days of deliberation that they were unable to come to a unanimous agreement on the vast majority of the charges against Blagojevich after a two-month trial.   As it stands, the verdict appears to be a big victo...

Obama Craps on Us All... AGAIN

Come on, Barry - who are you fooling? You're the most blindly pro-Muslim President we've ever had. O.K. - we get it. Not all Muslims are bad... but a Mosque near Ground Zero is the height of inappropriate, not to mention it will become a target for those still angry over the events of 9/11/01. As Charles Krauthammer said just the other day: When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated. That's why Disney's 1993 proposal to build an American history theme park near Manassas Battlefield was defeated by a broad coalition that feared vulgarization of the Civil War (and that was wiser than me; at the time I obtusely saw little harm in the venture). It's why the commercial viewing tower built right on the border of Gettysburg was ta...

Victims Can Not Simply "Move On" or "Get Over It"

FOR THOSE WHO TELL OTHERS TO "get over it" and/or "move on" - or that we are obsessed, out of control, etc.  It's not up to YOU when a victim moves on.  It's up to them in their own time and their own way! Talk about closed system of logic! ~~~~~~~~~ and its ABUSIVE to suggest that they should! Reality and Revictimization... (some changes made, for the original & updated version at a GREAT website see the link at the bottom of this post) Victim, survivor, victimology, victim abuse... why are victims being told to deny their reality? You have been methodically and diabolically abused and suddenly you hear "don't be a victim, choose to be a survivor." The concept that a victim can always consciously choose how to proceed, is wrong . The phrase, "move on with your life" is common. In a commanding, offhand and arrogant tone, those who have fought and lost a custody battle, their home, car and savings, family, job ...

Ex-JetBlue Employee is Overnight Net-Sensation

Steven Slater - YOU ARE MY HERO!! For reminding us all, no job is worth being ABUSED for.  Enough is enough!! By CLEMENTE LISI Move over Chesley Sullenberger, make room for Steven Slater. The JetBlue flight attendant who went berserk has become an overnight Internet hero to workers everywhere after arguing with a passenger, then escaping down the plane's inflatable emergency chute at JFK Airport clutching a beer. A day after the attendant-turned-wing-nut had a meltdown on a flight from Pittsburgh, eight Facebook fan pages have been created overnight in Slater's name and on Twitter, users just can't stop talking about him. What has made the 39-year-old Slater so heroic to many is that he quit his job after grabbing a brew from the beverage cart and, in a move fit for an action movie, deployed the plane's emergency chutes, where he slid away to his parked car and drove off -- a take-this-job-and-shove-it move that many have only dreamed of doing. "Come to San...

Why Do Great Things Happen to Rotten People?

By Tzvi Freeman To the Grand Guide of Gold-Guilded Wisdom, that Great and Glorious Gourd of Gratifying Gourmet Guidance for the Gutless and the Guileless, the Guadalajara Rebbe, Dear Guad, You've probably gotten that question a million times, "Rabbi, why do good people suffer in this world?" Well, to tell you the truth, that's not what's really bothering me. What peeves me to no end is all the prestige, power, pleasure and downright fun that goes to the rotten, nasty and mean low-lifes of this planet. Sure, I've heard all the answers. But none of them satisfy me. I've been told, "How do you know he's really so happy? Maybe all those wild parties are his way of escaping the gnawing guilt that doesn't allow him to enjoy life in a normal fashion?" I've been told, "How do you know he's really so bad? Maybe he sneaks out of bed at night and clandestinely delivers turkey dinners to orphans and widows." And finall...

The Psychopath's Tricks of the Trade

I've been reading Laura Knight-Jadczyk's blog off and on for a while now. I get a lot of interesting esoterica and others things to think about. Especially she and her fellow writers' stances on narcissism & psychopathy. Having been victimized by pathologicals myself as well as observing them at 'work' in society - a lot of this interview resonated with me. Laura is one of the editors of the book POLITICAL PONEROLOGY by Andrzej Łobaczewski. Herewith are excerpts from Swiss journalist, Sylvia Cattori's interview with Ms. Knight-Jadcyzk and her fellow book editor, Henry See. After reading the book Political Ponerology , A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes by Andrzej Łobaczewski, I wished to interview the author. However, given that he was sick, he was unable to respond to my questions except in the shortest way, a single paragraph. Fortunately, I was able to interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henry See, editors of the b...