The MYTH of Islamophobia
Not once, since the Cordoba House Mosque controversy started - not ONCE have I heard the Imam or any of the mosque's planners, etc. say they would be willing to move the mosque elsewhere. No - they are SET on it being 2 blocks from Ground Zero. People actions speak MUCH louder than words and this action says it all - the mosque is a provocation. An excuse for those who will be deluged with protests, attacks on the building, attacks on people worshipping there to say " SEE!! Americans are anti-muslim ." And that's bulls**t. If it was about a place of worship, moving it would a simple, easy to discuss matter. A matter openly on the table. But no, they're adamant. And frankly, they're bullies. Muslims have the right to worship in peace just like anyone else. Since the planners won't discuss moving it - peaceful worship is obviously not the driving force here, is it? This is a very sensitive issue to people who lost loved ...