Sharia Law for Non-Muslims
by Bill Warner
(excerpts from Bill Warner's terrific post, it was so well-written and clear I had to share it. A link to Bill's whole site is at the bottom of this post)
These are chapters from an upcoming book: Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. The book was designed to be short, only 48 pages. Many people do not want to know anything about Islam, but experience shows that they may have an interest in Islamic law. Since it doesn't make any difference which part of a rope you pick up first, Sharia law is a great way to start learning about the true nature of Islam.
Sharia in Europe Today
When you study Islam in Europe today, you are seeing America in 20 years. Why? The actions by Muslims in Europe are based on Sharia law, the same Sharia law that is beginning to be implemented in America today.
- Traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims commandeer the streets to pray-a political result based on Sharia law.
- Entire areas of Europe are no-go zones for non-Muslims, this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The Muslim-only policy is based on Sharia.
- In England an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Sharia law.
- In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used. This is based on Sharia law.
- Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity nor may they hand out literature. This is a political result based on Sharia law enforced by British courts.
- Rape by Muslims is so prevalent that Sweden has forbidden the police to collect any data in the investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is part of Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women.
- In London mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Sharia law to rule all people. This political action is based on Sharia.
- In some English hospitals, during Ramadan fast (an Islamic religious event) non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims is based on Sharia law.
- At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Sharia law demands.
- If a Dane says that he is proud to be Danish near a Muslim, it can be seen as hate speech and racism. This is in accordance to Sharia law. Sharia in America Today Here are current and historical events in America that are driven by Sharia law:
- On September 11, 2001 jihadists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center. This was in compliance to the laws of jihad found in the Sharia law. The attack was a political action based upon a religious motivation.
- All textbooks in America must be approved by Islamic councils that are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
- American employers and schools are met with demands for time and space to do Islamic prayer. These demands are based on Sharia law.
- The American banking system is becoming Islamicized with Sharia financing. Our banking system indulges in Sharia financial law and does not know the rest of Sharia law.
- Universities are asked to close swimming pools and other athletic facilities to be used for Muslim women.
- Hospitals are being sued for not having Sharia compliant treatment.
- No course at the college level uses critical thinking in the history and doctrine of Islam. Under Sharia no aspect of Islam may be criticized.
- Muslim charities give money to jihadists, as per Sharia law.
- Muslim foot-baths are being installed in airport facilities, using tax money. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
- American prisons are a stronghold of proselytizing for Islam.
- Workplaces are being made Islamic worship sites through special rooms and time off to pray. This is in accordance to Sharia law.
- Islamic refugees bring all of their wives for welfare and medical treatment to America. Authorities will not act even when presented with evidence. Polygamy is pure Sharia.
- We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to implement constitutions that have the supremacy of Sharia law as their first article.
Why Do We Need to Know Sharia?
ISLAMIC SCHOLARS CLAIM: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, the Sharia.
SHARIA: Sharia is based on the principles found in the Koran and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Sharia.
Under Sharia law:
- There is no freedom of religion
- There is no freedom of speech
- There is no freedom of thought
- There is no freedom of artistic expression
- There is no freedom of the press
- There is no equality of peoples-a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim
- There are no equal rights for women
- Women can be beaten
- A non-Muslim cannot bear arms
- There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people. Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
- Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, jahiliyah, that must submit to Sharia
- There is no democracy, since that means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim
- Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens
- There is no Golden Rule
- There is no critical thought
- All governments must be ruled by Sharia law
Unlike common law, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed
The Three Views of Islam
There are three points of view in dealing with Islam. The point of view depends upon how you feel about Mohammed. If you believe Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, then you are a believer. If you don't, you are a nonbeliever. The third viewpoint is that of an apologist for Islam. Apologists do not believe that Mohammed was a prophet, but they try to be tolerant without any actual knowledge of Islam.
Here is an example of the three points of view:
In Medina, Mohammed sat all day long beside his 12-year-old wife while they watched as the heads of 800 Jews were removed by sword. Their heads were cut off because they had said that Mohammed was not the prophet of Allah. Muslims view these deaths as necessary because denying Mohammed's prophet-hood was an offense against Islam and beheading is the accepted method of punishment, sanctioned by Allah.
Nonbelievers look at this event as proof of the jihadic violence of Islam and as an evil act.
Apologists say that this was a historic event, that all cultures have violence in their past, and no judgment should be passed. They have never actually read any of Islam's foundational texts, but still speak authoritatively about Islam.
According to the different points of view, killing the 800 Jews was:
- A tragedy
- A perfect sacred act
- Another historical event. We have done worse.
There is no "right" view of Islam, since the views cannot be reconciled.
...A Muslim cares about the religion of Islam, but all nonbelievers are affected by Islam's political views.
...Muslims are people and vary from one to another. Religion is what one does to go to Paradise and avoid Hell. It is not useful nor necessary to discuss Islam as a religion. But we have to talk about Islam in the political realm, because it is a powerful political system.
Islamic Scholars Claim:
- Sharia laws concerning women is the rule of law in Islamic families.
- Islam was the first civilization to provide and guarantee women's rights.
- Mohammed gave the world the perfect example of how women are protected in Islam.
- Muslim women are treasured and as treasures must be protected from the evils of the kafir world.
- The rights of Muslim women come from Allah.
THE SHARIA: Sharia law has different laws for different groups of people. Women are one of its special classes. wife beating
Islam's grand vision about women is given in one verse of the Koran:
Koran 4:34 Allah has made men superior to women because men spend their wealth to support them. Therefore, virtuous women are obedient, and they are to guard their unseen parts as Allah has guarded them. As for women whom you fear will rebel, admonish them first, and then send them to a separate bed, and then beat them. But if they are obedi-ent after that, then do nothing further; surely Allah is exalted and great!
THE SHARIA: dealing with a rebellious wife
m10.12 When a husband notices signs of rebelliousness in his wife whether in words as when she answers him coldly when she used to do so politely, or he asks her to come to bed and she refuses, con-trary to her usual habit; or whether in acts, as when he finds her averse to him when she was previously kind and cheerful, he warns her in words without keeping from her or hitting her, for it may be that she has an excuse.
The warning could be to tell her, "Fear Allah concerning the rights you owe to me,"
or it could be to explain that rebelliousness nullifies his obligation to support her and give her a turn amongst other wives, or it could be to inform her, "Your obeying me is religiously obligatory
If she commits rebelliousness, he keeps from sleeping (having sex) with her and refuses to speak to her, and may hit her, but not in a way that injures her, meaning he may not bruise her, break bones, wound her, or cause blood to flow. It is unlawful to strike another's face. He may hit her whether she is rebellious only once or whether more than once, though a weaker opinion holds that he may not hit her unless there is repeated rebelliousness.
Ishaq969 He [Mohammed] also told them men had rights over their wives and women had rights over their husbands. The wives were never to commit adultery or act in a sexual manner toward others. If they did, they were to be put in separate rooms and beaten lightly. If they refrained from what was forbidden, they had the right to food and clothing. Men were to lay injunctions on women lightly for they were prisoners of men and had no control over their persons.
[Abu Dawud 11, 2142] Mohammed said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.
[Bukhari 7,62,132] The Prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day." Most of those in Hell will be women.
The Doctrine of Women
There are many ways in which the woman does not have full stature in Sharia law:
022.1 The necessary qualifications for being an Islamic judge are: (a) to be a male freeman [...] 04.9 The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man.
[Bukhari 3,48,826] Mohammed asked, "Is not the value of a woman's eye-witness testimony half that of a man's?" A woman said, "Yes." He said, "That is because a woman's mind is deficient."
L10.3 They divide the universal share so that the male receives the portion of two females.
Koran 4:11 It is in this manner that Allah commands you concerning your children: A male should receive a share equal to that of two fe-males, [...]
This hadith equates camels, slaves and women.
[Abu Dawud 11, 2155] Mohammed said: If one of you mar-ries a woman or buys a slave, he should say: "O Allah, I ask You for the good in her, and in the disposition You have given her; I take refuge in You from the evil in her, and in the disposition You have given her." When he buys a camel, he should take hold of the top of its hump and say the same kind of thing.
Women are inferior to men in intelligence and religion.
[Bukhari 1,6,301] While on his way to pray, Mohammed passed a group of women and he said, "Ladies, give to charities and donate money to the unfortunate, because I have witnessed that most of the people in Hell are women.
They asked, "Why is that?"
He answered, "You swear too much, and you show no grati-tude to your husbands. I have never come across anyone more lacking in intelligence, or ignorant of their religion than women. A careful and intelligent man could be misled by many of you."
They responded, "What exactly are we lacking in intelligence or faith?"
Mohammed said, "Is it not true that the testimony of one man is the equal to the testimony of two women?"
After they affirmed that this was true, Mohammed said, "That illustrates that women are lacking in intelligence. Is it not also true that women may not pray nor fast during their menstrual cycle?"
They said that this was also true.
Mohammed then said, "That illustrates that women are lacking in their religion."
They asked, "Why is that?"
He answered, "You swear too much, and you show no grati-tude to your husbands. I have never come across anyone more lacking in intelligence, or ignorant of their religion than women. A careful and intelligent man could be misled by many of you."
They responded, "What exactly are we lacking in intelligence or faith?"
Mohammed said, "Is it not true that the testimony of one man is the equal to the testimony of two women?"
After they affirmed that this was true, Mohammed said, "That illustrates that women are lacking in intelligence. Is it not also true that women may not pray nor fast during their menstrual cycle?"
They said that this was also true.
Mohammed then said, "That illustrates that women are lacking in their religion."
A woman's testimony is worth half that of a man.
Koran 2:282 Believers! When you contract a loan for a certain period, write it down, or to be fair, let a scribe write it down. The scribe should not re-fuse to write as Allah has taught him; therefore, let the scribe record what the debtor dictates being mindful of his duty to Allah and not re-ducing the amount he owes. If the debtor is ignorant and unable to dic-tate, let his guardian do so with fairness. Call two men in to witness this, but if two men cannot be found, then call one man and two women whom you see fit to be witnesses. Therefore, if either woman makes an error, the other can correct her [...]
Bill Warner is Director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. He hosts an illuminating site on Political Islam. Please visit the website at and read more of Bill's terrific work!