I Guess Cleopatra Isn't the Only Queen of Denial...
Katherine Harris, that paragon of upright-judgment, is at it again, as many of you likely know. There's been much good written about her statement that the Seperation of Church and State is a lie. Check out Vince Isner of Faithful America for a particularly well-put response. Crossposted from Faithful America
First it was Oral Roberts... then Robert Tilton...then Pat Robertson... Now it seems Florida Representative and candidate for Senate Katherine Harris(remember the hanging chad?)is now claiming to speak for God. Now listen up all you Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Unitarians, and other non-Christian U.S. citizens: If you are not electing Christians to represent you, you are simply legislating sin... according to Ms. Harris, that is.
I suppose her most bizarre, off-the-wall comment is that GOD chooses our leaders... If this is true, then why did HER party go to such lengths to impeach one of "God's leaders?" If God chooses our leaders, then why vote? Why debate? Why question anything? Why not just close our eyes and let the bombs fall where they may, let poverty fester where it will, let AIDS run it course, let innocent detainees rot in Cuban prisons, let the poor in our land starve in the streets, let the earth choke to death, and everybody just sing Kum-ba-ya until Jesus comes to take the faithful few back home for a job well done?
Normally I find such cocksure ignorance amusing - But ignorance of this magnitude and at her level of influence is not funny. If the separation of church and state is, as Harris declares, a "lie" - then why not rejoice, ignore the constitution of the United States, and simply elect only Harris-like fundatmentalist Christians? That would prove to the world we are no longer a free nation, and all of those people "over there" whom President Bush says "hate us for our freedom" can stop hating us and start loving us as brothers and sisters in Christ... We could even teach them Kum-ba-ya...
Thankfully, Harris does not speak for the vast majority of Christians who honor and celebrate persons of other faiths and beliefs, and who believe that our nation is enriched by diversity. Gratefully, the average four-year old has more horse sense than Harris displayed in her remarks.