SUFFERERS of chronic fatigue syndrome have long been sick and tired of having their illness dismissed by others.

A bit of relief is in sight: Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a release not only legitimizing CFS as a real disease, but also launching a major awareness campaign. At least CFS patients won't have to explain to skeptics anymore that, yes, they really do have an illness.

In addition to severe, prolonged fatigue, CFS symptoms include muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headaches, insomnia, impaired memory and even depression.

Because the symptoms are so varied, diagnosis can often take years. More than 1 million Americans have CFS and can struggle with it for up to six months before discovering they even have a medical condition. Women are four times more likely to have CFS than men.
"This physical disease is quite serious and causes profoundly incapacitating problems in those suffering from the disorder," says Dr. Susan Levine, a CFS specialist who practices in NYC.

Vivian Treves, 55, was diagnosed with CFS in 1993 - but she'd had it long before that. "I suffered from exhaustion for three months before I went to the doctor and got diagnoses," says the writer and producer. After a process of elimination, she was finally diagnosed.
According to Levine, treatment options include muscle relaxers for those who suffer from muscle pain, and natural herbs or vitamins.

For further information, visit cdc.gov/cfs.


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