When Your Blog is Attacked

I have had experienced this four times in the eight plus years I have been blogging. I had my computer hacked twice since 2004 and my IP address misused.  I was phished in 2010 -- twice and also had my IP address spoofed.  I (and a number of other people) had my hotmail account hacked by Nigerian Scammers and then sold for people to use for spam or proxies. (I've gotten emails from people I don't know and have never heard of - all of which I have reported to the proper outlets)

It's frustrating. Like someone scrawling "for a good time call [your name or phone number]" on the bathroom wall back in school. (I will not count comment spam, etc.)

Also, like many disabled bloggers, I am able to keep my sanity and learn new things by blogging. It puts me in touch with other 'adults' (since I have long periods where I can't go out or very far) as well as putting the news and fresh ideas right in my living room.

I was lucky enough to have a couple friends with Blogger as well as law enforcement (my late Father was 'on the job' so I am lucky that way) who were able to identify who was attacking my blog, how they got in and block them for me. They asked me if I wanted to take legal action, I said no. First, my blog is personal. I don't make money off it. Second, why make matters worse? Third, it's a blog for goodness sake! I write about a variety of things and if you don't like what I have to say... there's 1000s of other blogs out there!

Some take blogging way too personally. Heck, yeah if all the time & energy I put into this went poof I'd be pissed. But it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Sometimes people comment, do or post things they would never say or do in real life; face to face. Keep in mind there are other human beings reading what you say. Keyboard jockeys sometimes feel they can say or do anything they like -- as if they were shooting cyber spitballs at you.

Problogger has some fantastic posts on this subject that every blogger should check out:

What to Do When Your Blog is Attacked

Blog Stalkers

A Negative Blogosphere

Problogger is a great resource for every blogger and worth a bookmark too!



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