The Anti-Semitism Dilemma on Facebook
By Dr Andre Oboler Eighty-three-year-old President Shimon Peres recently urged young people to fight anti-Semitism using Facebook. Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog met with delegates to the World Union of Jewish Students in the Knesset last week and told us to employ technology to combat Jew-hatred. Herzog, who is also responsible for relations with world Jewry and the fight against anti-Semitism, wants us to fight the good fight via the Internet. "Who's going to pay for this?" I asked. Try British Jewry, he helpfully suggested. But when I approached figures in the British Jewish leadership, they suggested - you guessed it - that I turn to the Israelis. Peres helpfully proposed a specific technology to focus on - Facebook - and I agree with his choice. If only we knew precisely what to do, and how to do it. The idea probably stems from the fact that Peres recently met Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at the World Economic Forum in Davos. In fact, Facebook is not only ...