Join The Online Solidarity Rally for Israel!
Thanks to Daled Amos via British Yosef for bringing this to my attention:

Participate without leaving home!, along with our partners listed below, is putting together the largest ever online rally in support of those living under fire in Israel. All you need to do is return to this site on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 11 p.m. Israel Time to watch a live broadcast online of solidarity rallies from around the world. Please make sure to come back to the site on March 20th and be counted for Israel. You can sign up for a reminder email below.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
11:00 pm Israel Time
9 p.m. GMT / 5 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. CDT / 3 p.m. MDT / 2 p.m. PDT
Go to now for more info and to sign a pledge to attend.
Note: The rally is for both Israel in general and for Sderot. Pass it on!

Participate without leaving home!, along with our partners listed below, is putting together the largest ever online rally in support of those living under fire in Israel. All you need to do is return to this site on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 11 p.m. Israel Time to watch a live broadcast online of solidarity rallies from around the world. Please make sure to come back to the site on March 20th and be counted for Israel. You can sign up for a reminder email below.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
11:00 pm Israel Time
9 p.m. GMT / 5 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. CDT / 3 p.m. MDT / 2 p.m. PDT
Go to now for more info and to sign a pledge to attend.
Note: The rally is for both Israel in general and for Sderot. Pass it on!