Obama: Hypnotist, NLP Practioner, Mind Control Guru - Disappointment
When I do Domestic Violence counseling I concentrate on the non-physical aspects. The verbal, emotional, financial & spiritual abuse that's done. Majority of the time its covert and chips away at you little by little.

I have had it done to me.8 years ago someone I thought was a friend and thought I could trust used it on me. It took a long time to completely untangle the mental pretzel I'd become, as well as professional help. I am still dealing with permanent PTSD and some of the aftermath problems have completely shut down parts of myself that I know are gone forever. Any psychology professional will tell you - you don't just "move on" or "get over it."
No one is immune from this. No one. You are done in before you even know it.
The other thing that many many DV Counselors do not realize is the amount of MIND CONTROL done by pathologicals (narcissists & sociopaths) to their victims. Most of them use NLP -- either as a learned skill or something that just came naturally to them. NLP is used on us every day - marketers, advertisers and YES - politicians do it.
Some of it involves listening to the target and mirroring back what they said later or in a different "form." It validates the target and makes you feel the abuser/ predator "understands" or "gets" you and your needs. It creates a bond - and in advertising it allows a niche to form.
So now, let's all see where The Great Obama-dini is taking this Country, and those who are realizing they've been punk'd!
For those on an aggregator, click here to watch this video!
Update: To those sending me comments about how horrible Bush was -- I agree. I didn't vote for Bush and I never liked him. However, Bush is no longer President. This focus on Bush comes from Obama criticizing Bush repetitively. McCain lost, Bush is out. Obama's on deck now.
The fact remains Obama is a snake oil salesman, IMHO and a dangerous person to have in the White House. I follow no party lines, only my conscience. Obama was a bad choice but now that he's President I believe we must continue to be very vigilant.

I have had it done to me.8 years ago someone I thought was a friend and thought I could trust used it on me. It took a long time to completely untangle the mental pretzel I'd become, as well as professional help. I am still dealing with permanent PTSD and some of the aftermath problems have completely shut down parts of myself that I know are gone forever. Any psychology professional will tell you - you don't just "move on" or "get over it."
No one is immune from this. No one. You are done in before you even know it.
"Moral principles are a person’s sense of right and wrong. The women we spoke to had very high moral principles and an internal moral compass of right and wrong. Their moral sense and its relationship to a psychopath are quite interesting. Although many of them tested very high in the morality department, they ended up with the immoral and unprincipled psychopath.(note - I was interviewed as one of the study subjects for this book)
Since psychopaths are chameleons, they pretend to be whatever their woman are. They probably mimicked the women’s own moral principles.
Ironically, many of the women end with the loss of their moral principles in the relationship. This could be through sexual deviance he asked her to participate in, or asking that she lie, steal, cheat, or in some other way violate her own moral code. By the end of the relationship, she was likely to have become mortified at his immoral behavior and how it took her down a negative path she never intended on.
The other thing that many many DV Counselors do not realize is the amount of MIND CONTROL done by pathologicals (narcissists & sociopaths) to their victims. Most of them use NLP -- either as a learned skill or something that just came naturally to them. NLP is used on us every day - marketers, advertisers and YES - politicians do it.
Some of it involves listening to the target and mirroring back what they said later or in a different "form." It validates the target and makes you feel the abuser/ predator "understands" or "gets" you and your needs. It creates a bond - and in advertising it allows a niche to form.
Trance is a natural state of mind. It’s a universal human condition that involves the way the mind tunes in, tunes out, and stores the information while in these states of “tuning.” There’s no hocus pocus to it. It’s just how the mind works. Most people have heard of “highway hypnosis” which is getting sleepy while driving and watching the double yellow lines on the highway. Before long, you have arrived at your exit and you don’t remember the last few miles of driving.This are some of the things I noticed Barky doing repeatedly.
Trance also seems to have some connection with our natural bodily biorhythms, like metabolism, blood sugar and sleep. Check in with most people around 2:00 p.m. after lunch and you’ll see sleepy and trance-y people at their desks fighting to stay “focused.”
Trance is most associated though with “focused attention” which is how it gets used in formal hypnosis. That’s why the hypnotist says, “Stare into my eyes” because staring forces attentional focus.
Hypnosis and trance involve the ability to heavily focus on one thing while blocking out other things... This extremely focused attention on one thing is essentially a trance state.
How could a psychopath put a someone in a trance state without her realizing it? Inducing a trance is nothing more than helping someone get focused. There are many “ways” to go into a trance, so inducing trance in someone else is not that difficult. Since trance is nothing more than intense focus, the psychopath with all the intensity he has inserted in the beginning of the relationship can easily use the intensity to encourage hyperfocus.
The enormous amount of time he is spending with her allows him to get her to hyperfocus on “them.” ...He is a master of watching what works and doesn’t work in controlling others. Stumbling across “intensity” in a relationship is all he needs to get to work using it to his advantage.
Neuro Linguistic Programming which is a “cousin” to formal hypnosis, induces trance by preoccupying the ego with statements like, “You’re so wonderful and beautiful” and then targeting other messages straight to the unconscious mind through short story telling. Psychopaths are master storytellers — inducing her belief system in his virtues while she is in a trance state.
- Mirroring
- "Connecting" ('I'm just like you' - note his dress & behavior)
- Chipping at Fears by Repeating Past Collective Trauma (Health Care Reform, Economy, Job Losses, Immigration)
- Saying something repeatedly to make it true (It's Racism, Birth Certificate, I AM taking action...)
- Saying something loudly or with force to make people listen and focus ON HIM (Change! Hope!)
- Creating a 'rarified' or 'deified' image (That Obama Temple at the DNC before the election was a prime example)
So now, let's all see where The Great Obama-dini is taking this Country, and those who are realizing they've been punk'd!
For those on an aggregator, click here to watch this video!
Update: To those sending me comments about how horrible Bush was -- I agree. I didn't vote for Bush and I never liked him. However, Bush is no longer President. This focus on Bush comes from Obama criticizing Bush repetitively. McCain lost, Bush is out. Obama's on deck now.
The fact remains Obama is a snake oil salesman, IMHO and a dangerous person to have in the White House. I follow no party lines, only my conscience. Obama was a bad choice but now that he's President I believe we must continue to be very vigilant.
The world is governed by one group of sociopaths that make up the crown. The crown is made up of 3 city states each with their own phallic symbol. They are Washington, DC(military), inner city of London(financial), and the vatican(religion/ all religions including secular humanism, and atheism.) All religions are like freemasonry, they have a visible part and an invisible part. The invisible part worship Lucyfer and know it, while the visible part worship Lucyfer without knowing it.
This hypnosis of the masses is a big part of why the sociopaths have kept the masses asleep. Even those that are awake still seem powerless, to this powerful technique. Maybe there is some force behind the technique to make it even more powerful.
Secondly, what remedy do you suggest, if any?