From THE REAL BARACK OBAMA by Procrustes There’s probably no more powerful a reminder of just how out of touch and clueless Barackistan HQ is than Organizing for America’s latest email directive issued by O for A’s David Plouffe — “June 6th: It all begins”. There was ZERO headscratching here at RBO HQ about the significance of June 6th. It just happens to be the 65th Anniversy of D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, June 6, 1944. So, is that what Plouffe is talking about? Hardly. Once again, POTUS and his faithful hord are deliberately tone deaf. And just what is the It that is to “begin” on June 6th, you ask? Well, here’s the email message: We especially like this part: We will look back on that day as the moment when the fight for real health care reform began in your neighborhood — perhaps even in your own living room. Hey, numbskulls, you just don’t get it, do you? FYI — The D-Day Museum in Portsmouth, England, reports on the human sacrifice from the battle: The Allied casualt...