Searching Savana
When I was in Elementary School (40 years ago) my Fifth Grade teacher had a singular dislike for myself and my parents. I don't know why and looking back on it I still think she had a screw or 10 loose. She was one of those battle-axes who hated kids, hated her job and found one or two kids every year to crap all over. That year - myself and a boy named Jim Gillespie were it. This woman, an adult woman - purposely set me up (a 10 year old no less) to be taunted by my classmates and even left me at a school outing to wander 2 miles back to school myself... with no remorse. She stole things from my desk, hid them and watched as I dissolved in tears searching for them. She wanted so badly to give me bad grades but I was an honor student. Anything to break my spirit... what little I had at age 11. I have PCOS and one of the signs of that is precocious (early) puberty. Mine hit hard when I was 9. I had full breasts and pubic hair by 10. A couple of my classmates told this to th...