We Don’t Have To Like The Republicans. But…
from the astute and on-point Deadenders:
Here’s a guest post by Out of Hand Mary to tide you over till I get pissed off at something besides the driver in front of us.
As deadenders has told us many times, “Both parties suck.” I certainly can’t argue with that. But, as Uppity Woman told us disenfranchised Dems after May 31, 2008, when many wanted to run Hillary on a third party ticket, there has never been a successful third-party bid for the White House. And that includes Theodore Roosevelt even after he’d already been president and ran on the Bullmoose Party..

Further, there is no national Independent Party. “Independent” designates something different in CA than it does in NY or FL. There is no Constitution Party. There is no We The People Party. And there is no national Woman’s Party. Maybe we can make these parties a reality in the future, but establishing a new political party takes tons more time and money than we have now. With obama and his Congress, our backs are up against it. We have to go with what we’ve got, which is the Republicans. You don’t have to love them or even like them, But if you want to save the USA, you’ve got to start supporting Republican candidates now. I’ve already made two modest contributions to the current Congressman seeking Barbara, “Call Me Senator, Not Ma’am” Boxer’s senate seat. And you’ve got to vote for them.
If we want to preserve America as a free and sovereign nation, if we want to rescue it from the One Worlders, and from the intellectual fungus spread in our schools by SDS members who infiltrated our University’s teacher training programs and created Obama-Zombies, and from the jihadist colonizers, we must clear the Oval Office and Congress of the debased Democrat detritus now posing as leadership. Our sole means to this end in 2010 and 2012 is to vote for the only ones who have even an outside chance of unseating them, the Republicans.
The editorialist, a former Democrat, to whom “cats” linked us at UW,, spells out our choices.
The window of opportunity to get rid of these Obama-Vermin is closing fast. We know obama’s plans to collapse America by crashing the economy, creating a one-party state, and putting paid to the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights. If we don’t let the RNC know right now that we’ll back their candidates, we’ll lose the chance to delouse Washington forever.
Out of Hand Mary
Here’s a guest post by Out of Hand Mary to tide you over till I get pissed off at something besides the driver in front of us.
As deadenders has told us many times, “Both parties suck.” I certainly can’t argue with that. But, as Uppity Woman told us disenfranchised Dems after May 31, 2008, when many wanted to run Hillary on a third party ticket, there has never been a successful third-party bid for the White House. And that includes Theodore Roosevelt even after he’d already been president and ran on the Bullmoose Party..
Further, there is no national Independent Party. “Independent” designates something different in CA than it does in NY or FL. There is no Constitution Party. There is no We The People Party. And there is no national Woman’s Party. Maybe we can make these parties a reality in the future, but establishing a new political party takes tons more time and money than we have now. With obama and his Congress, our backs are up against it. We have to go with what we’ve got, which is the Republicans. You don’t have to love them or even like them, But if you want to save the USA, you’ve got to start supporting Republican candidates now. I’ve already made two modest contributions to the current Congressman seeking Barbara, “Call Me Senator, Not Ma’am” Boxer’s senate seat. And you’ve got to vote for them.
If we want to preserve America as a free and sovereign nation, if we want to rescue it from the One Worlders, and from the intellectual fungus spread in our schools by SDS members who infiltrated our University’s teacher training programs and created Obama-Zombies, and from the jihadist colonizers, we must clear the Oval Office and Congress of the debased Democrat detritus now posing as leadership. Our sole means to this end in 2010 and 2012 is to vote for the only ones who have even an outside chance of unseating them, the Republicans.
The editorialist, a former Democrat, to whom “cats” linked us at UW,, spells out our choices.
Republicans offer our only hope in slowing the Obama “change” juggernaut before the America of unbridled optimism and opportunity goes the way of the buffalo….
The only institution positioned to stop the progression of the Obama welfare state is the Republican Party, coupled with independent-minded Americans….the popular myth that the Democratic Party is the party of tolerance and big-tent ideas is spectacularly false.
The window of opportunity to get rid of these Obama-Vermin is closing fast. We know obama’s plans to collapse America by crashing the economy, creating a one-party state, and putting paid to the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights. If we don’t let the RNC know right now that we’ll back their candidates, we’ll lose the chance to delouse Washington forever.
Out of Hand Mary