Tucson Shooting Victim Attends Townhall and Tells Tea Party Speaker “You’re dead”
from the always outstanding UPPITYWOMAN:
A town hall meeting was held Saturday in Tucson for an ABC news special. Authorities said during that meeting, one of the shooting victims, J. Eric Fuller, took exception to comments made by two speakers.
Deputies said at some point, Fuller took a photo of Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries and told him, “You’re dead.”
Fuller was escorted out of the room and could be charged with disorderly conduct.
Doctors were examining Fuller Saturday afternoon.
Oh look! A left wing loon acting a lot like right wing loons. That never happens, does it?
You can find J. Eric Fuller at Hypnothoughts.com. No kidding. You can’t make this shit up. From his profile:
“Kindred spirits and an opportunity to advocate my personal agenda promoting social justice and common sense.”
“I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blase, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity. My experiences encountering public figures and many affluent travelers in person has led me to believe that we all are to blame for George W. Bush.”
Extraordinary persuasive charisma. Where have I seen that before. Shiver….
“Non-deep pocket with a lot of heart. Began life as a computer operator, military service leading to non-physical disability, unable to resume career, left main stream and lived in small towns for a decade studying library books and piano, moved into Tucson in 1994 and worked as a Chauffeur for most of 10 years, presented state-wide initiatives at libraries, worked elections, in ’09 worked at the Census Bureau as a field rep and a clerk. Non drinker for one year, non smoker for 40 years.
Sounds like what he did this morning is political. That makes him a different kind of sick person than last week’s sick person. But hey, what do I know?
And then there’s that question of the "Non Physical Disability”. But I’ll bet certain left wingers won’t have a thing to say about the influence they have had on this unstable guy with their rhetoric. Nahhh. It’s different. It is different, right? He’s lucky he’s alive, and if he was discharged from the military with a non- physical disabilty, he probably didn’t fare too well being shot at last Saturday.
However, I bet the Freepers are going to have a blast with this one. Two sides of the same coin, these two extremes are. Caught in their own irony. Meanwhile, expect to hear very little about this on MSNBC or in the NY Times. Of if forced to cover it, it will be a sad sad story about how poor Eric snapped because of the Right. Or something. Then FOX will talk about how he heard the left blaming the right for the Tucson shootings and therefore it is the left’s fault. Or something. Who knows with these infantile people? You can’t go anywhere and get an objective story any longer in the USA. I wonder how much of the blame for Eric the MSM will be willing to accept, considering the trash we had to put up with from them for the past week. The left and the right remind me more and more every day of Bill Cosby’s “Stop Touching Me!” routine.
If this doesn’t roll out the way I am describing, then we have finally made some progress. But if I were a betting woman, you can probably file this under You Reap What You Sow.