I completely agree with UppityWoman, who expresses herself better here - this slime needs to exterminated, since he thinks its o.k. to exterminate defenseless women who aren't living his screwed-up, non-American standards.

from one of my all time favorite, tell-it-like-it-is bloggers, UppityWoman:

The trial of the Pithecanthopus Erectus throwback — who thought his daughter was “Too Westernized,” so he ran her and her boyfriend’s mother down with his Jeep — begins today in Arizona.

The mother lived but Noor Almaleki, the poor 20 year-old, who had the misfortune of having him as a father, died after two weeks in a coma.

Somebody finally has the guts to say it. They are calling this exactly what it is: An Honor Killing.

It needs to be said, because it’s here, it’s real and this Caveman culture has NO place in the United States of America. To constantly pretend that this isn’t what it Is is to destroy America with ludicrous political correctness.

Thank God somebody finally is calling one of these savage acts what it really is.
Feleh Hassan Almaleki is accused of what prosecutors say was an October 2009 “honor killing” over his daughter’s behavior. He will go to trial after failing to reach a plea deal with prosecutors.

Police say Almaleki, 50, crashed his Jeep Laredo into his 20-year-old daughter, Noor Almaleki, and her boyfriend’s mother, as the two walked in a parking lot of a state Department of Economic Security office in Peoria, a Phoenix suburb.

He faces life in prison, which is really too bad. Justice would far better be served if they ran him down with a 4 X 4 and then backed over him again. And again. And again, until his carbon footprint resembled road pizza. I can’t wait till the jury is done with this swine.

May the trial of this freak show him to be the horrible example of a horrible culture that would think it’s just fine to set fire of a school room that has girls in it. May the trial of this barbaric animal be a public wakeup call for the sleepy masses who think this kind of behavior could never become the norm among people from places where it is the norm. 

This is the kind of freak who populates countries where people try to revolt while the USA government offers no words of support. Think Iran, last year. People died trying to fight this barbarism. May the revolutionaries all come to the USA, and leave freaks like this guy behind with their goats.

May the trial of this swine make it clear that this is America: One Country, One Law - One law NOT compatible with barbarism and abuse of women and girls. Thank you Arizona for calling this pig what he is: A savage “Honor Killer” who is a misfit in a civilized country

It’s just too bad you won’t be executing this bastard. 
On camera. During Prime Time.



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