Petition to Reverse the Ongoing Raid on the Social Security Fund

cross-posted from stellar fellow female blogger: UPPITY WOMAN!

Petition here.

Also please refer to my previous post entitled “I can’t find the missing 2.2 Trillion!“

Next time you hear the Republicans and/or Democrats,your cold, fear-mongering President and their hitman Alan Simpson throw around the bullcrap, remember this petition. It affects you, because even if you are not a senior, that 2.2 Trillion Congressional thieves have skimmed into the General Fund all these years is your money too. These people are thieves and they don’t know how to wiggle out of their thievery, so they have decided to punish their victims instead.

Petition text:

To the United States Congress

Whereas, Congress for more than a quarter century has been engaged in a shameful Raid on Social Security surpluses and leaving behind IOUs written to itself; and

Whereas, Social Security no longer is running regular annual surpluses; and

Whereas, Congress must take immediate action to reverse the raid and replenish the Trust Fund or it will have to increase taxes, raise the retirement age or borrow more money and accumulate more public debt to meet its obligations to Social Security recipients without cutting benefits; and

Whereas, Congress can easily reverse the raid and replenish the Trust Fund simply by cutting other federal spending and earmarking the savings to redeem sufficient Trust Fund IOUs to cover annual Social Security deficits without having to borrow more money and accumulate more debt;

Therefore, I petition the Congress to Reverse the Raid and Replenish the Trust Fund by redirecting revenues already authorized for other spending and earmarking them instead to be devoted exclusively to redeeming sufficient Trust Fund IOUs to cover annual Social Security deficits.


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