I was born under the sign of Jupiter, on a Wednesday. Hmmmmm.

The Talmud (Tractate Shabbos) on Astrology

Whether Mazal depends on the day of the week, or the path of the planets: Shabbat 156a
[Im-]Permissibility of using an astrologer: Shabbat 156b, Pesachim 113b [See Rashbam]
The paths and hours of the planets: R. Shabbat 129b "DeKayyma"
Considering varieties of eclipses to be ominous: Succah 29a
Considering the Sun to be emblematic of the nations of the world, and the Moon to be emblematic of the Jews: Succah 29a
One born under the sign of the Sun will be radiant and self-sufficient, and will hold no secrets: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of the Moon will suffer bad occurrences, will destroy and build, will build and destroy, will live off of others, and will have secrets: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of Mercury will be wise and radiant: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of Venus will be rich and adulterous: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of Mars will be a shedder of blood: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of Jupiter will be righteous and generous: Shabbat 156a
One born under the sign of Saturn will have plans which do not reach fruition; alternatively, the plans of others against him will not reach fruition: Shabbat 156a

[Im-]Permissibility of using an astrologer: Shabbat 156b, Pesachim 113b [See Rashbam]
The paths and hours of the planets: R. Shabbat 129b "DeKayyma"
Considering varieties of eclipses to be ominous: Succah 29a
Considering the Sun to be emblematic of the nations of the world, and the Moon to be emblematic of the Jews: Succah 29a

Significance of Days of the Week
One born on Sunday will be a complete person, for good or evil: Shabbat 156a
One born on Monday will be a person of anger: Shabbat 156a
Tuesday is a day of danger, with Mars prominent in certain hours: Shabbat 129b
One born on Tuesday will be rich, and will be a chaser of adultery: Shabbat 156a
One born on Wednesday will be wise and radiant: Shabbat 156a
Thursday representing the Berachah of of Peru U'Revu ["Be Fruitful and Multiply"] for Fish: Ketuvot 5a
One born on Thursay will be benevolent: Shabbat 156a


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