This marvelous post was sent to me and after reading it - I have to repost it here. But please, go visit Howling Wind's blog and take a look for yourself.

Sometimes people get it RIGHT! Howling Wind sure did.

In the world of mankind, is there anything more arrogant than someone who hurts another human being and claims to do so "In the name of God"? Is there anything more evil than invoking God as your reason for inflicting pain on a friend, loved one or yourself? This, my dear friends of God, is the crown jewel in life's fantasy realm and continuing saga of stupidity in a search for justification of ones own character and personality flaws. This is the ultimate sin!

Do I direct this at the Islamic groups that stone women for being themselves? How about the polygamists who take teenage girls into the bedrooms of grown men? Perhaps my anger is directed at churches who reject gays. How about presidents who inflict wars or exorcists who find rewards in the mental illness and torture of others? I find these groups no better than a cat who toys with a field mouse dragging on the entertainment of struggle and pain. At least the cat doesn't do it in the name of God. He does it because he is a cat.

But no, I am actually motivated and directing this for a much more personal reason. These thoughts are seeded by the arrogance and incompetence of people in my life who justify their own deeds and defend their own actions, no matter how hurtful to the innocent, by invoking the reason they are "Soldiers of God" and therefore can never be understood by anyone but themselves. That they know that certain people are good and certain people are bad. That they are amongst an elite group of males whom God has chosen to see his plan more clearly than others, especially women, and favors above all. That God is the reason for their situations in life and that God is their license to kill spirits, hopes, loves and the dreams of others.

Let's take a look at the lives of these people, shall we? Perhaps I should have said let's take a look at their lack of life. That may be more appropriate.
"It is not in the still calm of life or the repose of a pacific station that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant wake into life and form the character of the hero." -Abigail Adams
People who often assume the role of God's assassin are usually the ones who are least qualified for the job. These are individuals who hide from life and the wonder of the world. People who decide that they know better when the truth is that they are lucky Mom taught them how to put their shoes on the correct feet. They know nothing because they run from any difficulty and deny their souls the challenge to rise to greatness by announcing that they are morally right and then running away. They are cowards to the daily ins and outs that you and I can handle with the blink of an eye.

You see these people all the time. They're the ones, usually with some sort of formal education, filing for unemployment because they keep losing every job that challenges them. They fancy themselves as over-achievers, but are little more than do-nothing dreamers. Their bosses are always jerks and they were always sticking up for right. It's the same story every two weeks until that unemployment check runs dry.

You say the French Revolution was born of such dreamers? No, those patriots acted. I say genocides are perpetuated by these people because it plays into their ideals and requires little backbone.
"The mind alone is not enough. It's not enough just to be very smart, to be very educated. You have to have heart. You have to feel it." -David McCullough
The point that these fools either miss or do not have the courage to embrace is that God is best served by living. The infinite mind cannot be served by judgment and the infliction of pain, but only by the day to day struggles and successes that the challenges of life brings. When you and the car salesmen bicker, argue and bargain over a new car but finally arrive at a deal that makes you both shake hands, you are serving the pleasure of God. When you open a door for an old lady, introduce a friend to a good book or simply feel for pictures seen on the evening news, you are in the service of God. You are made in God's image, and God is not an idle being.

God's assassins pervert the philosophies of the centuries. They, instead of looking inward, look outward and feel the freedom to judge others. "Judge not" is a common theme in all religious texts, but not to these idiots. To these perverts, passing on judgment in the name of God is their right and responsibility.

So why do they do it? Why are these sick individuals comfortable with such stupidity? For the basic reason that it fills the void of their manhood. Where God placed the perfect ideals of a man stands an empty void because fear encircles their souls. Judgment and pain inflicted upon others allows them to continue dismissing their true responsibility to God and continue living in a short lived macho high. Are they sick? No. Do they need help? They only need to open their eyes and see that pain begets pain. Sooner or later they will learn this. While I feel no pity for them, for others I pray that the world teaches them sooner.

To those of you who have been their targets, I am sorry. Most of their targets are peaceful, loving spirits who trust a little too much and are therefore a little too open to their aim. The truth is that these false prophets have done nothing in their lives to deserve an audience with you. There words and actions are that of a coward who has found a notch in your armor. They take great joy in your undeserved pain. They just like to take.

If I have angered anyone with this article, then good! God is love. God is action. God is good. God is life. I have lived enough of my life to earn your anger and to stand up. I have loved, lost, cried, fought and lived. I have been afraid, sinned, have regrets and lied, but I have been alive and I have lived. I have earned the right to be here today. I have earned to right to stand in God's creation and the courage to know that God is not the cause of my life, but is the facilitator of my love.

You know where to find me.




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