Hillary : Misogynist Punching Bag
Iddybud sent me this video from her friend, Tom Watson. It's powerful and a MUST SEE:
Says it all: a WOMAN is still scarier to our society than an Islamofascist sympathizer who lies as casually as he breathes. Yes - WOMEN are still the underclass. WOMEN are still to be maligned, stepped on, hated and brutalized - physically, emotionally & verbally. WOMEN are objects. WOMEN are nothing.

I am DISGUSTED. This election has taught me things about my fellow Americans that I suspected but now can not ignore. Vile.
Watch this video and pass it on!
If you are on an aggregator - CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO.
Says it all: a WOMAN is still scarier to our society than an Islamofascist sympathizer who lies as casually as he breathes. Yes - WOMEN are still the underclass. WOMEN are still to be maligned, stepped on, hated and brutalized - physically, emotionally & verbally. WOMEN are objects. WOMEN are nothing.
Watch this video and pass it on!
If you are on an aggregator - CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO.