Life Sentence for Rapist; Failed System for Victims
Gordon Brown said that lessons must be learned from the case of a man who repeatedly raped his two daughters over more than two decades, fathering nine children by them.

The Prime Minister said that a full case review was now under way after the 56-year-old businessman on Tuesday received 25 life sentences for rape at Sheffield Crown Court.
"The whole country will be outraged by those unspeakable events that have been reported as happening in Sheffield and in other parts of the country and will be utterly appalled by the news of the systemic abuse of two sisters by their father over such a long period," he told MPs at Prime Minister's Questions.
"People will want to know how such abuse could go on for so long without the authorities and the wider public services discovering it and taking action.
"If there is a change to be made in the system and the system has failed we will change the system."
The Prime Minister said that a full case review was now under way after the 56-year-old businessman on Tuesday received 25 life sentences for rape at Sheffield Crown Court.
"The whole country will be outraged by those unspeakable events that have been reported as happening in Sheffield and in other parts of the country and will be utterly appalled by the news of the systemic abuse of two sisters by their father over such a long period," he told MPs at Prime Minister's Questions.
"People will want to know how such abuse could go on for so long without the authorities and the wider public services discovering it and taking action.
"If there is a change to be made in the system and the system has failed we will change the system."