St. Barack to get a Secular "Feast Day"?

As my Nana, of Blessed Memory, used to save "Lord, Save us from our uncovered Saints."

Blogging Goddess Uppity Woman never fails to astound:

Plans are underway for a National Barack Obama Holiday.

Yes, that’s right, someone is actually working on a Barack Obama National Holiday, as was done for several other of Achievement and Greatness.

Let’s examine with what Barack Obama has in common with other people we name National Holidays after.

They were all long gone before we made a holiday in their names and they all achieved great things. They were honored with a National Holiday in their names AFTER they actually DID something for America.

George Washington was the first President of the United States. Barack obama hasn’t even served a term yet.

Abraham Lincoln still ranks Number One amongst greatest presidents in popularity polls. He presided over a civil war that freed the slaves. He is also well known for his Gettysburg Address. Barack Obama is known for his Typical White Woman Address. However, the plans for Barack’s National Holiday on his Inaugeration Day will include celebration of Abe Lincoln’s birthday. It sure is nice of them to include Abe in Barack Obama Day.

Perhaps we could declare every Inauguration Day from this day forward as Barack Obama Day. Of course, in order to do that, we would have to imagine that nobody else will ever be inaugerated as President. Perhaps Barack can just be a permanent President. Cool huh? I think some other countries do it like that too…..

Both George and Abe already share a day named President’s Day. Perhaps Obama would like to hop on as America’s first living great man who fancies himself comparable to George and Abe. We could call the day Presidents and Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Baaaaaaaaaa Maaaaaaaaaa Day.

Martin Luther King died for the cause of equal rights. We have a National Holiday in his name. He made the “I have a dream” speech. [Deval Patrick] Barack Obama made the “Yes We Can” speech.

Let’s see, I can’t think of any other individuals we have actually ever honored with a National Holiday. But we do have other National Holidays with reason:

New Year’s Day:
In celebration of the start of a New Year. Generally people celebrate on the night before in places where people with no class get fall-down drunk, throw-up and then try to kiss someone at midnight. Hopefully they make it home without killing someone. In the USA, New Year’s Eve is lauded as the single most lucrative night for police departments seekng steep fines from drivers with high blood-alcohol counts.

In honor of the rising of Jesus on the third day, celebrated by Christians but everybody gets the day off whether they believe or not.

Memorial Day:
In honor of people who have died, including those who died in service to our country. One Memorial Day, cemeteries become a kind of meeting place where everyone goes to pretty up the graves of their relatives and compare who spent more on the headstones. Most of them rarely return until the same time next year.

Independence Day is our celebration of America’s independence. Ironically, Taxation Without Representation seems to have returned to our shores, though.

Labor Day:
I really have no idea how this one got started. I would imagine it was a successful attempt by unions to get another day off during the long haul between Independence Day and Veteran’s Day. Coincidentally, it is always celebrated on a Monday so that everybody can get that long weekend. I also know that Labor Day was formerly used as a measuring device for white shoes, as in “You don’t wear white after Labor Day”.

Columbus Day:
To honor the man who managed to discover America when there were already people here who discovered it first. No easy feat. That must be why they named the place after Amerigo Vespucci. Beats me. All I know is I had an Italian Aunt who died not talking to me because i told her you can’t discover a place if somebody already discovered it first.

Veterans Day:
To honor the people who put their lives on the line in order to retain what now appears to be a precarious Democracy in America. Many of them have limbs missing. Some of them were Prisoners of War. All of them risked their lives to serve America. Many of them died doing just that.

The very first Thanksgiving occurred when the settlers in America celebrated the bounty they had received thanks to the Native Americans, who taught the starving settlers how to hunt and fish. The settlers invited the Native Americans to join them in a three day celebration of the bounty. This, of course, was well before we annihilated them. Later, the 13 colonies each celebrated specific days of bounty Thanksgiving. It was Abe Lincoln who finally led the charge to make Thanksgiving for everyone fall on the third Thursday in November.

In honor of the birth of Jesus. Perhaps Obama would like to hop on to this one as well.

As you can see, our very few National Holidays that are actually assigned to people, are attributed to people who actually lived and died and did some miraculous and noteworthy things for humanity in between.

Can anybody list the miraculous and noteworthy things for humanity Barack Obama has done yet? I’ll wait….

As far as I know, there are no people we have ever named National Holidays for who were alive when we declared the holiday. And we certainly never declared a National Holiday in someone’s name before he did much of anything. At least not in American Democracy. However, there are people in the past who ruled other countries and were celebrated that way while they were still living. They were kind of what you called “works in progress”. Usually, there were posters of their images on the outside and inside of every building. People had their pictures in their homes. There were statues built in their likenesses. People worshipped them out of fear and neediness– and some even had special salutes and parades in their honor.

Stalin, Mussolini, Napoleon and Hitler come to mind. In a more contemporary vein, Saddam Hussein also comes to mind. North Korea’s Dear Leader, however, is an example of a living person who is worshipped that way as well. And let us not forget Fidel.

So you might say the precedent has been set for Barack, although I am not so sure it would be a source of pride for America to follow these examples. Now, let’s see: What do all these Leaders have in common, living and dead? I know! They ruled/rule over heartless dictatorships, kept/keep their people suppressed and hungry, stifled/stifle free speech and tended/tend to get rid of anybody who irritated/irritates them or spoke/speaks out against them.

So you see, Barack Obama just doesn’t fill the bill, unless he wants to become America’s Fidel Castro or Dear Leader. This, of course, would require the removal of Democracy and Capitalism from our country. I know some folks seem rather interested in that concept, but, you see, most of us aren’t– and history tells us that most of us would be willing to fight vehemently in order to protect our Democracy. This is especially so for those Americans who came here to get away from that kind of rule.

But hey, we do understand Obama’s Narcissism and need for adulation. After all, who ever heard of “The Office of The President-Elect” until now? And with him comes many of his Narcissistic followers in tow, also known as Blood Sucking Dependents in most Baby Boomer homes. So I have an even better idea that might placate his nearly insatiable need to be worshipped:

Why don’t we just plaster his face on ALL of our currency? Take those other guys off and just put his face on all of our money, just like Saddam Hussein did. Is that cool or what? I mean, who needs old dead people like George Washington or Abe Lincoln when we have a Barack Obama? This would also make it much easier for children in our dumbed-down schools to answer questions like, “Who is on the twenty dollar bill?”. The answer would always be the same no matter which bill the teacher asks about: Barack Obama!

Guess what else? We already have a coin! No sense of leaving coins out. We already have the basic design.

We might as well put his face on all our coins too! That way, when the next Great Depression hits us, right after Barack redistributes incomes and most of the rich people move to another country to get away from here, we can all beg on the street and say, “Hey Buddy, can you spare a Barack dime? How about a Barack nickel, then?”

Also, since we will all be dependent on our government for survival during the Great Obama Depression, right after the top 20% move to their villas in other countries, we could put his name on a stamp. But not a USPS stamp, since nobody will be able to afford those. I’m thinking a more functional stamp:

And then there’s also that Mount Rushmore idea……




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