Creepy Use of Sex - for the Healthcare Vote!

Using Sex for Political Messaging
by Thia Lawson

For me, this video reaches new heights in the creepy use of women’s sexuality.


Huh? Could this be any creepier? Does this remind anyone else of the recent creepy Reebok ad? I know I keep using creepy as a descriptor, but until the hair on the back of my neck goes down, that’s the best I can do. CREEPY!

This video is degrading to both women and men. The implication is that women are too stupid, lazy, or uninformed to argue issues and explain their position - better they just show their cleavage and threaten to withhold sex. In turn, Rock The Vote thinks men are so shallow and desperate for sex that they not only have no interest in what a woman has to say, but will change their most deeply held beliefs if you dazzle them with cleavage and the possibility of a little girl on girl action.

Is there any place in the political debate where women aren’t either used as mindless sexual props, thrown under the bus when it becomes expedient, repeatedly made promises for decades that can be yanked away in the blink of an eye, or bullied to toe the Democratic party line and shut up if you are a women who disagrees or risk being not only not defended but attacked because you dared have your own opinion?

If this is a demonstration of how little Rock The Vote thinks of me, why in the world would I give their opinion on the health care debate any validity?



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