Pisces 2005 Horoscope |
As the New Year arrives, Pisces, you'll be quite intent on making a name for yourself within a group situation. You'll do a fine job of it, and you'll be remembered for some time to come for your efforts. During January, you'll be focused on joint financial situations and intimate relationships, all of which will work out quite well as long as you're not afraid to ask for -- and take -- the advice of an elder. The new Moon in your own sign on March 10th will call your attention to your physical self -- and while you in particular should never ignore your emotions, you might want to pay attention to the outer you, just for a while. During spring, and most especially in April, monetary changes could be en route. Does that mean you'll be pinching pennies? Not at all. In fact, if you're smart about it, you may have more money to spend frivolously than you've had in some time. After the 15th of April, thanks to Venus in steadfast Taurus and your house of communications, you'll be especially persuasive, too. Don't even think about giving up on any argument. You're ready to make constructive changes, and to make them quickly. You go! Once summer arrives, you can rest assured that you'll be entertained -- and quite amused! At least one new suitor will come your way after the 21st of July -- someone who's as home- and family-oriented as yourself. You'll also be willing to apply yourself completely to getting the job done at work, but with family issues so pleasant, who'd blame you if you were late -- or even absent -- for a few days? As the year draws to a close, one-on-one relationships will still keep you busy, but with the solar eclipse of October 3rd, and the lunar eclipse of the 17th, you'll shift to money matters -- joint financial issues in particular. If you're not happy with the way your half of the money is being handled, take back control of the checkbook and don't apologize for it. Be careful with finances during the holidays, but do enjoy yourself. What are the secrets of your personality? Discover yourself -- and make the most of your year -- with a free Personal Profile Reading! Content provided by Astrology.com © Astrology.com 1996 - 2005
Online Dating - Bad No Matter What There isn't enough money or influence in all the world to get me to do online dating. Ever. I had one stupid online relationship about 5 years ago, with someone I "thought I knew" who assured me they'd 'never hurt me' yet preyed on my good nature at a very dark & vulnerable time, when I was being severely abused. I haven't heard from this friend of over 25 years since. The stays in the hospital from non-stop vomitting were pretty powerful reminders, too. I can't stress enough that people feel powerful & anonymous behind a keyboard. They do & say things they would never dream of doing in the light of day. They smear, they engage in salacious activity and then walk out the door to work the next day as Mr. Or Mrs. Normal. (This is called the "Online Disinhibition Effect") As for online dating? I know of ONE person who met his next wife through J-Date. Yes, I said "next" wife. Tha...