What is pleasure?
There are two types of pleasure. The first type feels like pleasure, but is really pain. It is like a beautifully wrapped chocolate, but when you bite into it, the package is full of nails.
This is the pleasure you normally experience in this world but it cannot exist without its opposite, which is pain. Because it is not real, it needs an opposite to validate its existence. It is an illusion. All illusions have an opposite. The mind needs a reference point.
When the mind creates false pleasure, it must also create pain at the same time, but will project this out at a later date, so you cannot see the connection.
The other pleasure, which we normally do not experience, is our natural birthright. It is within us all the time. It has been called the Kingdom Of Heaven. It doesnt need any type of external stimulus, it just is. We need do nothing.
Because this type of pleasure is real, it does not have an opposite. The only way to access it is through peace and quietness in the present moment.
What is real pleasure, the type of pleasure that has no opposite?
Real pleasure only comes when we are in balance with everyone and everything in the universe. It is a pleasure which cannot be described with words, but can indeed be felt by the heart.
When you finally realise, that you are one with everyone and everything, all pain will melt away, because your thoughts of separation is what brings you pain and fear. Without pain and fear, all you will feel is the Love of God, in you and all around you.