Who Am I?

On the race of life, as we run to meet our obligations, take care of the kids, make the boss happy, make ourselves happy, it is quite easy to overlook the presence of the Light of the Creator in every moment. It is easy to overlook the miracle called LIFE.

Have you ever stared at yourself in the mirror or awoken in the middle of the night, and asked, 'Who am I?” Generally this question also surfaces while meditating, or in times of extreme stress. Whenever it happens, these are the moments to understand your Creator and the role you play in the grand scheme of things.

In Kabbalah, God is comprehended as the awesome energy that created the universe and everything in it. The words we use to describe this energy are Light, Light of the Creator and Light Force of the Creator.

Due to our limited, rational minds, these tend to become empty terms. The minute we read them, a mental image forms in our minds, something external from us (for many it is an old man with a long white flowing beard, or something along those lines.)

The Creator, Light or God - these finite words are speaking to the infinitely invisible Force of goodness found deep within us and all around us; the Force that created us and watches over us.

When we connect with this Force our fears melt away and the conflicts within and without transform.

So the question is, how do I maintain a connection to my Creator, to the immortal that is within me? None of us have time to sit in meditation all day, to walk the mountainside indulging ourselves. We've got spouses and kids, a job, a mortgage.

The key is to understand that everything that occurs is a miracle.

The kabbalists teach that the Light of the Creator (blessings, fulfillment, peace of mind) is revealed to a person depending on his understanding. Simply put, this means that the more a person is conscious and knows that there is a Creator and that this Force governs the entire world—then he draws to himself the Light of the Creator. The understanding is the vessel that draws the Light.

One of the biggest reasons why we sometimes forget the existence of the Creator is “nature.” We see the sun rise in the morning and set in the evening, we see the tides come and go, we see a system that seems to work mechanically and on its own. We do not see on the surface, signs of a divine plan and providence. In order to counteract this mistake, the Creator from time to time performs what is known as a miracle.

However, the purpose of the miracle is not only for the miracle itself. More importantly, the purpose of the miracle is to remind us that there is a Creator that governs this world—that causes the sun to rise in the morning and set in the evening. There really is no difference between miracle and nature! Everything is a miracle. Nature is simply constant miracles of the Creator in motion,

Once this idea is truly instilled in our mind, we come to realize that everything is a miracle, every breath we take, every morning when we wake up.

All the Best, Yehuda Berg

I am aware of the divine sparks in every person.

Their true essence is awakened in my heart.

I become wiser in the ways of the world.

I perceive the repercussions of my every word and deed, and I know that sharing acts toward others are always in my own best interest.



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