Reaching Out to the Non-Jew

Our generation is the first since the dispersion of the Jewish People in which the Jew is able (and therefore obligated) to reach out to the non-Jew.
The purpose is to create a movement among righteous gentiles worldwide, a forsaking of false religions and an acceptance of the seven Noahide commandments.

The Noahide commandments are those that God gave to Adam and his descendants and, after the flood, to Noah and his descendants. They are binding upon all of humanity, and were included in the Torah when God gave it to the People of Israel at Mount Sinai. The Torah testifies that these commandments were indeed those God gave man from the outset of creation, and is therefore the ultimate source of their authority.

The Torah further obligates Jews to teach and encourage all the nations of the earth to accept these commandments. A non-Jew who accepts the seven Noahide commandments recognizes that the ultimate purpose of his life is to serve God and establish peace on earth.



Anonymous said…
Howdy! First time reader. Love a lot of your content. But allow me for a moment to play the Devil's Advocate on the subject of the Noachide movement. First, there's a huge gaping hole in this movement: it lacks any spirituality whatsoever, be it community worship, ritual, prayer, sacred time-keeping, whatever. That sort of spirituality is the impetus behind the motivation to obey. Without it, Noachism is empty. Second, because Noachism is largely dependent on Rabbis and Jewish sources for instruction on the details of the Noachide Laws, it lacks a sense of being a genuine spiritual tradition that is perpetuated from the inside of the movement by gentiles. That could create the same sort of inferiority complex out of which Islam arose. The Quran fulfilled the desire for the Ishmaelites to have a revealed text that was theirs. The underlying Arab insecurity was because Jews had the Torah, Christians had the Gospel, what did they have as descendents of Abraham? Noachism could develop that same sort of complex so long as it is put forward as a valid tradition, but lacks a self-perpetuating leadership and remains dependent on the rabbinical system.

Just my $0.02.

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