The Essence of Being Human
The quest for significant being is the heart of existence. We do not crave that quest; we find ourselves involved in it. Animals may be content when their needs are satisfied; humans insist not only on being satisfied but also on being able to satisfy, on being a need not imsply on having needs. Personal needs come and go, but one anxiety remains: Am I needed? There is no human being who has not been moved by that anxiety. Humans are not satisfied, lie is not meaningful to us, unless life is serving an end beyond itself, unless it is of value to someon else. The feeling of futility that comes with the sense of being useless, of not being needed in the world, is the comost common cause of psycho-neurosis. Happiness may be defined as he certainty of being needed. But who is in need of humans? Human existence cannot derive its ultimate meaning from society, because society itself is in need of meaning. There is not a soul on earth which, however vaguely or rarely, has not realized that li...