Hear THIS, Senseless and Complacent Women Who Are Amused By Enablers
from the always AWESOME Uppity Woman:
As the Grand Enabler takes office, here’s your Christmas present.

CNN, you cavalierly report what you enabled more of as you participated in the celebration of escalating abuse and hatred of women during this election season.
And don’t think you are safe from this yourself, Campbell. This is blood on your hands and on the hands of all women who take sexism and misogyny with a grain of salt. You didn’t fight the fight and you think your rights will always be there. You are Wrong. Those of us who Fought the Fight for you recognize all the signs.
Your reward for your complacency and viciousness awaits all of you who do not want to See how little steps grow into bigger steps. You will recognize what you have done nothing about when you see it all slip away from you by degrees instead of from others who mean nothing to you. And those of us who incurred the battle scars for ungrateful you won’t lift a finger for you either. You gave it up. Soon you will have to be the ones to get it back
I am incensed.
As the Grand Enabler takes office, here’s your Christmas present.

CNN, you cavalierly report what you enabled more of as you participated in the celebration of escalating abuse and hatred of women during this election season.
And don’t think you are safe from this yourself, Campbell. This is blood on your hands and on the hands of all women who take sexism and misogyny with a grain of salt. You didn’t fight the fight and you think your rights will always be there. You are Wrong. Those of us who Fought the Fight for you recognize all the signs.
Your reward for your complacency and viciousness awaits all of you who do not want to See how little steps grow into bigger steps. You will recognize what you have done nothing about when you see it all slip away from you by degrees instead of from others who mean nothing to you. And those of us who incurred the battle scars for ungrateful you won’t lift a finger for you either. You gave it up. Soon you will have to be the ones to get it back
I am incensed.
Slap em on the wrist till they blow her brains out
Posted on December 16, 2008by freemenow
No laughing matter CNN, no slap on the wrist matter either! Who will join me?
Louisa’s law Maybe ? Keep the offenders away from these women not drive the women into shelters and away from their homes.
Do you have any idea how many women get their brains blown out daily in this country because we are too damned easy on men who abuse women? They abuse their wives and their families and the major reason they continue to do is because women have so little protection and because they are slapped on the wrist - they keep getting away with it till they finally blow someone’s brains out then they land in jail where a lot of them should have been kept in the first place.
Better yet - the first time they started to show disrespect for women and girls if we stood our ground- maybe it wouldn’t be a joke that that leaves me tonight looking at two daughters battling for their very lives! One from Cancer and the other from the gunshot wound to the head from the 23 year abuser who was left to become worse and worse till he finally became a would be murderer!
It all started with blond jokes- that the guys in the locker rooms thought were funny at the girl’s expense. Unchecked it graduated to degrading language then to shoves, then to short stints for spousal abuse which wound up sending the abuser right back home to abuse again.
Just On June 16th 2008 this man, attacked my sleeping cancer patient daughter with a hammer to the skull for her pain drugs. He spent 3 months in Jail then pled guilty to a lesser charge and they let him out ROR, and it ended up with her sister Louisa my youngest daughter’s brains on the living room wall last night!
You bet the 180 degree turn-a-round from fire Favreau to maybe we should send him to a battered women’s shelter and fix the bastard was a bit personal! Now I am on a death watch for two daughters.CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?
This has got to stop - too many innocent females are destroyed daily because we will not stand up and fight like hell. We want this stopped this was not a laughing matter CNN boys - come to Hackensack, Medical Center NJ and take a look at my daughter- Louisa Rodas. She has less than a 50/50 chance of surviving and if she does she will have one eye – one ear a half of a head and be paralyzed on one side – we have no idea how much brain damage. STOP THIS NOW – PLEASE! For all our daughters !
Please stay with me on this and keep posting and make it viral. I want new laws- I am proposaing Louisa’s law.
Please visit my blog again - see their faces today and tomorrow I will post new pictures- want you to see the damage he did.
This must stop.
Also - where is the so called The New Agenda - not a word? Why?
I will tell you why first they wanted Favreau's head - the next day they wanted him instead to volunteer at a battered woman’s shelter - I was vocal - that they were wrong- I was called names - humiliated and ousted along with any founders who sided with me and now - a week later -- my daughter is dying from domestic abuse and they are silent.
I am asking your readers to please go to The New Agenda site and ask Why They are not covering this story and supporting me ?
Or write them: to JoinTheNewAgenda@yahoo.com