Submit THIS, Dennis Prager!
Misogyny Moment for the end of the year... from SHAKESVILLE:

And my friend Marcella's take on this:
When I found out what he was doing to me... and my friends - and even came forward about the abuse -- nothing but an endless smear campaign in which I have been called a whore, I 'knew what I was doing' as well as 5th grade comments about my looks, posting defamatory and dangerous stuff about myself & my family online and other blame the victim nonsense made to minimize what he'd done. Part of which was telling other women how horribly cold his wife was and how dead his marriage was.
In a nutshell - they use women like a blow-up dolls with a pulse and then get peeved when we say 'hell no.'

more from Marcella:
So to Mr. Prager and all those misogynists with media power - GET A CLUE. And get a handle on your libido. We aren't the ones with a problem!!
I was wondering how you feel about Dennis Prager's contention that men are like animals in order to advance his argument that wives should submit sexually to their husbands even when they don't want to because men can't feel loved if they're not being fucked.
(If you're a gay man, of course you don't even figure into Prager's heterocentrist equations, except insomuch as he makes no distinction that he's talking only about straight men; it is simply men whose "sexual nature is far closer to that of animals" and who know that their partners love them "first and foremost by [their] willingness to give [their] bod[ies] to him.")
It must be thrilling to have such a prominent figure dedicate an entire column (and this is only Part One!) to coercing a woman to submit to you, irrespective of her desire, lest she risk your (totally justifiable) emotionally withdrawing from her, cheating on her, and/or leaving her, and that he does so with no apparent regard for the the fact that sex coerced via threat is rape. What lucky fellas you are!
Perhaps you'd like to contact Mr. Prager and thank him for being such a swell dude.
P.S. Isn't it just kooky how Prager accuses feminists like me of being man-haters? He's so humble. I could never hate men as much as he does!
Prager begins by making it clear that the problem is completely different if the genders are reversed and he won't be addressing that problem.and
I believe the real reason for the bold double standard is that Prager's advice is so bad that the men who love Prager's advice -- when it is directed at women -- would rebel at being expected to follow Prager's advice whenever their wives ask them to perform something central to the marriage or the wife's need to feel loved whether it be sex or something else.
Instead of teaching these men healthier ways to relate to their wives, Prager chooses to ignore the reason or reasons the wife isn't consenting and to tell her that she must consent.I've had that done to me. In the latest incident turned out the guy was manipulating me, had me in such a knot of cognitive dissonance with NLP & mind control... all to satisfy his sex drive. Knowing I was an abuse victim & vulnerable, in fact probably because of it.
This line is familiar to those of us who had boyfriends tell us that if we loved them that we would let them do whatever they wanted.This isn't about love at all, but emotional blackmail which is mutually exclusive with genuine love.
When I found out what he was doing to me... and my friends - and even came forward about the abuse -- nothing but an endless smear campaign in which I have been called a whore, I 'knew what I was doing' as well as 5th grade comments about my looks, posting defamatory and dangerous stuff about myself & my family online and other blame the victim nonsense made to minimize what he'd done. Part of which was telling other women how horribly cold his wife was and how dead his marriage was.
In a nutshell - they use women like a blow-up dolls with a pulse and then get peeved when we say 'hell no.'
more from Marcella:
This is a load of BS which seeks to use biology to help men dodge personal accountability.
Prager himself disproves this biology theory by talking about men's resentment. To Prager, men who marry are living martyrs.
The underlying belief is that sexual conquest proves masculinity so that faithfulness robs a man of his main validation. It is, "I boink, therefore I am MAN." If he doesn't boink, he fails to be a MAN.
According to Prager, husbands who are too moral to cheat will make their wives who don't submit sexually pay in other ways. This is pettiness not biology. Prager claims that the importance of mutual kindness is impossible to overstate, but the rest of his column contradicts the idea that husbands practice genuine mutual kindness or even should practice it.
So to Mr. Prager and all those misogynists with media power - GET A CLUE. And get a handle on your libido. We aren't the ones with a problem!!