As a survivor of sexual, emotional & psychological abuse - I am posting this in the hopes that everyone will read and forward to their Rabbis - Thank you. Barbara

Message from The Awareness Center:

CALL TO ACTION: Request to all Rabbis on behalf of Sexual Violence Awareness Month

Please forward the following message to every rabbi you know!

Each week many of our rabbis send out weekly messages and prayers to their congregants. Considering April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month and also a month that represents freedom to the Jewish people, The Awareness Center is asking that all rabbis to send messages of healing, empowerment and growth to those who are who are suffering the life long effects of surviving sexual violence.

All survivors of sex crimes are veterans of a war. The messages sent out should be about honoring survivors as if they were hero's of a horrendous war battle.

The only true victims are those who lost their lives as a results of the wounds inflicted upon them by those who commit these sorts of crimes and also those who enable offenders to continue to create more victims. Those who are victims, died as a result of the physical actions of the offender, commit suicide and or are lost to chemicals and other forms of addictions.

If you are a rabbi who is sending out a message, please forward your message to vickipolin@aol.com so that we can share your message with Survivors around the world.

Vicki Polin, MA, NCC, LCPC, ATR-BC
Founder, Executive Director
The Awareness Center, Inc.
(the international Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault)
P.O. Box 65273
Baltimore, MD 21209

also: mark your calendars:

From Darkness To Light: Ending Sexual Violence in Jewish Communities
(Incest, Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Clergy Sexual Abuse, Professional Sexual Misconduct)
April 6, 2008
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Goucher College, Kelly Lecture Hall
Baltimore MD


Anonymous said…
Great post Barbara. We all need to be more involved. Thank you for all you do! Hugs!
Barbara said…
Thanks Layla.

I have always been very socially conscious and since leaving my abusive marriage it is easier for me to do that again.

Also, this is my way of making amends to society (since my abusers are not interested in direct amends) for any wrongs I may have committed towards others, even unknowningly.

Clergy needs to be more aware and more informed about dealing with sexual abuse victims and/or domestic violence victims. There is a woeful lack in involvement in the U.S. in these areas.

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