Raped or Abused? Go to Jail!
This is so beyond explanation other than the depraved indifference of Islamic society. And we want to be politically correct with them? Spare me. What sickens me even more -- is that I have heard American men who abuse make SIMILAR EXCUSES FOR THEIR ABUSE. However, at least a raped woman here doesn't end up in jail. Right? No -- if her abuser's got money, friends in high places or pull with the courts, she's not believed either. Abused Afghan women end up in jail A woman fleeing domestic violence or rape often ends up guilty Trafficked across the border from Pakistan with her 3-year-old son, Rukhma was handed to an Afghan who raped and abused her, then beat the toddler to death as she watched helplessly. He was jailed for 20 years for murder, but Rukhma ended up in prison too. Rukhma, who doesn't know her age but looks younger than 20, had put up with her mistreatment for three months last summer before seeking protection and justice from authorities. Instead she wa...