Misogyny Works... in the U.S.A.
I loathe Bill O'Reilly. Close second is Chris Matthews. And I don't like are covert misogynists. You know the type - those guys who say "my wife is so wonderful" and "my mother is a saint" but they won't promote that hard working gal at the office... (and their wife is a major breadwinner because at home they enjoy all the fruits of her labors with kids, bills, food, comfort; hmm... People, guys who SAY that stuff have something to prove - or hide.) These same animals look at every woman they meet outside their home or religious place as a potential 'score.' (Wonder what she's like in bed?... heh heh)
At least O'Reilly and Matthews are blatant about it. As I tell all my clients - "WATCH THEIR ACTIONS, NOT THEIR WORDS."

And if you're a smart woman? Look out.
Can we send these neanderthals to Iraq or Iran? They'd fit right in with that medieval attitude of theirs.
by Steve Young
Last week I wrote of the sad sight of watching poor Jane Hall, Bill O'Reilly's weekly whipping girl in the "Weekdays With Bernie & Jane" segment on his Factor.
After watching the humiliating treatment heaped on her last night by the fair and balanced BillO, it seems she still doesn't realize how horrifying watching her tortured existence is. You get the idea that waterboarding is just around the corner.
Last night in discussing the difference between MSNBC and NBC news, Bill quickly knew that Jane wasn't going exactly where he wanted her to (condemn NBC et al, sending them to hell in a Keith Olbermann hand basket). With an embarrassing split screen and without even allowing her a word, BillO started railing into NBC AND Jane, scolding her for not condemning NBC for not being appalled. Besides the fact that Bill's argument made no sense - "(NBC is) doing it solely to make money," then, believe it or not, immediately followed that up saying what "a financial disaster" they are - the shame is the pathetic image of Hall having her face on camera while being browbeared by the Fox News President of the Women Hater's Club.
At the end of his rip, Jane asked, "Can I say one thing?" to which Bill responded, "No, I gotta go." The look on her face was pitiable.
But to top off the above and beyond insult, instead of gotta going" BillO turned to Bernie (Goldberg) to give his take.
Questions arise.
How does Hall face her students the days after her Factor appearances?
What kind of a role model is this for the women students in her class at American University?
Is it an addiction she just can't quit?
Does she need the money that bad, providing an invaluable lesson of "pride don't pay the mortgage" for her students.
I don't know why she continues to allow herself to be berated by someone who obviously has so little respect for women - see: Makris vs O'Reilly, Bill's belief that "female cabals who terrorize men", sees no difference between Arianna Huffington and the Nazis, or just watch earlier in last night's show when he called guest Flavia Colgan "crazy" for defending what she believe was what America stands for.

I have no idea when Jane will say enough is enough, but for the sake of women everywhere, especially the cabal of females in her class, on some "Bernie and Jane" in the near future, she'll interrupt BillO's interruption, stand up, and borrowing the words from another earlier Network, she'll roar...
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
To punctuate the point, just before she walks off, Jane Hall will apply a well-placed foot to the Fox misogynist's groin. As Bill lays writing on the floor, she'll smile and say, "being a reporter in Argentina is not analogous to being in combat, no one believes you're on al-Qaeda's hit list and your Patriots and Pinheads is an obvious rip of Olbermann's 'Worst Person of the Day'... a**hole!."
She then ducks back in and, with a winning smile, asks...
"What say you, Bill?"
At least O'Reilly and Matthews are blatant about it. As I tell all my clients - "WATCH THEIR ACTIONS, NOT THEIR WORDS."
And if you're a smart woman? Look out.
Can we send these neanderthals to Iraq or Iran? They'd fit right in with that medieval attitude of theirs.
by Steve Young
Last week I wrote of the sad sight of watching poor Jane Hall, Bill O'Reilly's weekly whipping girl in the "Weekdays With Bernie & Jane" segment on his Factor.
After watching the humiliating treatment heaped on her last night by the fair and balanced BillO, it seems she still doesn't realize how horrifying watching her tortured existence is. You get the idea that waterboarding is just around the corner.
Last night in discussing the difference between MSNBC and NBC news, Bill quickly knew that Jane wasn't going exactly where he wanted her to (condemn NBC et al, sending them to hell in a Keith Olbermann hand basket). With an embarrassing split screen and without even allowing her a word, BillO started railing into NBC AND Jane, scolding her for not condemning NBC for not being appalled. Besides the fact that Bill's argument made no sense - "(NBC is) doing it solely to make money," then, believe it or not, immediately followed that up saying what "a financial disaster" they are - the shame is the pathetic image of Hall having her face on camera while being browbeared by the Fox News President of the Women Hater's Club.
At the end of his rip, Jane asked, "Can I say one thing?" to which Bill responded, "No, I gotta go." The look on her face was pitiable.
But to top off the above and beyond insult, instead of gotta going" BillO turned to Bernie (Goldberg) to give his take.
Questions arise.
How does Hall face her students the days after her Factor appearances?
What kind of a role model is this for the women students in her class at American University?
Is it an addiction she just can't quit?
Does she need the money that bad, providing an invaluable lesson of "pride don't pay the mortgage" for her students.
I don't know why she continues to allow herself to be berated by someone who obviously has so little respect for women - see: Makris vs O'Reilly, Bill's belief that "female cabals who terrorize men", sees no difference between Arianna Huffington and the Nazis, or just watch earlier in last night's show when he called guest Flavia Colgan "crazy" for defending what she believe was what America stands for.
I have no idea when Jane will say enough is enough, but for the sake of women everywhere, especially the cabal of females in her class, on some "Bernie and Jane" in the near future, she'll interrupt BillO's interruption, stand up, and borrowing the words from another earlier Network, she'll roar...
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
To punctuate the point, just before she walks off, Jane Hall will apply a well-placed foot to the Fox misogynist's groin. As Bill lays writing on the floor, she'll smile and say, "being a reporter in Argentina is not analogous to being in combat, no one believes you're on al-Qaeda's hit list and your Patriots and Pinheads is an obvious rip of Olbermann's 'Worst Person of the Day'... a**hole!."
She then ducks back in and, with a winning smile, asks...
"What say you, Bill?"