Obama Flip Flopping ALREADY!
Obama is already backpedaling on that "soaring rhetoric" that has all his cult members in his thrall. The NLP is starting to crack when the reality of the state of affairs of this country is dropped near his neophyte lap.
I am sick to death of the Rove-like fear-smears about "cut & run Democrats. " And I don't believe all Republicans are warmongering hypocrites, either. I just think that at least Clinton knows the majority of people in this country don't want permanent bases in Iraq (despite the fact a couple are already built with our taxpayer dollars), that we want to get out of bed with the Saudis and we realize we won't just be able to up and leave Iraq on 1/20/09. Even divorce settlements take longer.

Excerpts from Michael Goodwin's column in today's "NY Daily News"At the very least - Clinton has been more realistic by saying she will have some sort of withdrawal plan in the works within 90 days. Obama's been promising he will start withdrawal from Iraq on day ONE of his "presidency." (Additionally, Obama is sure pigs will fly at the Inaguration Parade too. ) Barack - your inexperience is showing!
After watching hours of the dreary Senate hearings on Iraq on Tuesday, I have only one remaining question: Why would anybody want to be the next President of the United States?
There is no clear way forward or out of Iraq. Beyond changes on the margins - forcing the Iraqi government to pay more reconstruction costs, for example - the most likely prospect is more of the same slog in the hopes Iraqis eventually will build for themselves the country we are unable to build for them.
I say that despite knowing that Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have promised to withdraw our troops within a year or so, no matter the ground conditions. I don't believe it's a promise they can keep.
Obama admitted as much on Tuesday by creating big-time wiggle room for himself. He told Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker that everybody wants a "successful resolution" and that nobody was demanding a "precipitous withdrawal" of our troops. He also seemed to be seeking a way of defining limited victory rather than sticking with his vow of a rapid retreat.
It was a grownup moment for him, one that reflects the stubborn reality of Iraq. As bad as it is, and it is disastrously bad, it could get far worse if we suddenly pull the plug on our role.
I am sick to death of the Rove-like fear-smears about "cut & run Democrats. " And I don't believe all Republicans are warmongering hypocrites, either. I just think that at least Clinton knows the majority of people in this country don't want permanent bases in Iraq (despite the fact a couple are already built with our taxpayer dollars), that we want to get out of bed with the Saudis and we realize we won't just be able to up and leave Iraq on 1/20/09. Even divorce settlements take longer.
Goodwin closes:Do we really want another war? McCain is already dropping hints its a done-deal. John, don't do something in my name I neither want or need. And learn the difference between Sunni and Shia before you make an irrevocable diplomatic blunder. The U.N. doesn't need anymore bumbling fools than it has already.
Meanwhile, Iran said Tuesday it is making rapid progress on plans to enrich uranium. With the feckless United Nations content to wag its finger as another madman marches toward nuclear arms, count Iran's announcement as the worst bad news of the day.