Blind Diversity = Death
When I believe they're right - I am happy to give these opinions more bandwith on my blog:

The nation today ponders the irony of the slaughter of US soldiers, not on a battlefield in some dusty and distant land -- but on an Army base deep in the heart of Texas.
But there is no irony.
In the terrorists' war on America, every square inch of the nation is a potential battlefield, including Ft. Hood, Texas.
The point of terrorism is to terrorize.
It matters not at all whether the victims are soldiers on a military base, or office workers in downtown Manhattan, as long as the results are so shockingly bloody that they sap the will of Americans to stand up for their way of life.
But is the alleged gunman -- Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan -- really a terrorist?
Well, with no warning and less provocation, Hasan on Thursday suddenly shouted "Allahu Akbar!" (Allah is great!) and opened fire on soldiers and civilians at a Ft. Hood deployment center. Thirteen people died, with 38 others wounded. Moreover:
Now there's (so far) no reason to suspect that Hasan's name will turn up on an al Qaeda duty roster somewhere. But terrorism also can be a state of mind -- and, anyway, terrorists don't need Osama-issue dog-tags to be effective.
Hasan was nothing if not effective.
What is truly astonishing, though, is that someone like Hasan -- whose background was replete with bright red flags -- was allowed by the Army to be anywhere near troops.
Let alone serving as a psychiatrist.
Were his superior officers asleep?
More likely, they just closed their eyes, fearing for their careers. Political correctness is everywhere -- including, alas, in the highest reaches of the Pentagon.
Certainly there's more to be learned about what motivated Hasan.
But be careful of glib excuses (it's being suggested, for example, that he had been traumatized by treating traumatized soldiers -- as if trauma can be transmitted like the mumps).
Fact is, the lesson of Ft. Hood is simple enough: Terrorists terrorize -- and innocent people die.
So terrorists can be given no quarter.
They intend to give America none.
Read more:

By Michelle Malkin
The violence at Fort Hood, President Obama told mourners yesterday, was "incomprehensible." The "twisted logic that led to the tragedy," he reiterated, may be "too hard to comprehend."
What exactly is so hard to comprehend? The signs foretelling Fort Hood jihadist Maj. Nidal Hasan's rampage were all too clear for those willing to see and hear. In his 2007 slide presentation to fellow Army doctors on "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the Military," he spelled it out: "We love death more then (sic) you love life!"
Slide 11 stated: "It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims." Slide 12 cited Koranic sanctions for killing fellow believers. And Hasan made clear he wasn't alone among Muslim soldiers who "should not serve in any capacity that renders them at risk to hurting/killing believers unjustly."
Slide 13 ominously listed "adverse events" involving Muslim soldiers -- including the fatal 2003 fragging attack on American soldiers in Kuwait by Sgt. Hasan Akbar (who was sentenced to death but remains alive while his case is on appeal); the desertion case of Lebanon-born Muslim Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun; and the espionage case of Muslim chaplain James Yee (the charges were dropped, but the case raised lingering security concerns about Muslim chaplains at Gitmo and elsewhere trained by terror-linked Saudi-subsidized institutes).
Hasan missed a few "adverse events" that have faded from public memory in our reflexive age of "Islam is peace" emotionalism-over-comprehension:
Although Muhammad was led away in handcuffs and transferred to another company pending charges for the grenade attack, an indictment never materialized. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1994. He later brainwashed young Lee Malvo in black nationalism and jihad -- and the two carried out the three-week killing spree that left 10 dead in 2002 in the name of Allah.
The grievance lobby has plied the Muslim-jihadist-as-victim narrative for nearly a decade now.
They prevail. In June, Muslim domestic-terror suspect Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad went on another shooting spree at an Arkansas recruiting station that left one serviceman dead. The Obama Justice Department response: to redouble its efforts to use "criminal and civil-rights laws to protect Muslim Americans."
Next week, Attorney General Eric Holder will speak at a banquet featuring the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism-financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.
How did Fort Hood happen, obtuse Washington asks. Simple: Blind diversity equals death.
The nation today ponders the irony of the slaughter of US soldiers, not on a battlefield in some dusty and distant land -- but on an Army base deep in the heart of Texas.
But there is no irony.
In the terrorists' war on America, every square inch of the nation is a potential battlefield, including Ft. Hood, Texas.
The point of terrorism is to terrorize.
It matters not at all whether the victims are soldiers on a military base, or office workers in downtown Manhattan, as long as the results are so shockingly bloody that they sap the will of Americans to stand up for their way of life.
But is the alleged gunman -- Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan -- really a terrorist?
Well, with no warning and less provocation, Hasan on Thursday suddenly shouted "Allahu Akbar!" (Allah is great!) and opened fire on soldiers and civilians at a Ft. Hood deployment center. Thirteen people died, with 38 others wounded. Moreover:
* In Internet postings, Hasan reportedly praised suicide bombers.
* He opposed America's missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and suggested that Muslims "fight against the aggressor" -- presumably, America.
* A classmate said he "viewed the war against terror" as a "war against Islam."
Now there's (so far) no reason to suspect that Hasan's name will turn up on an al Qaeda duty roster somewhere. But terrorism also can be a state of mind -- and, anyway, terrorists don't need Osama-issue dog-tags to be effective.
Hasan was nothing if not effective.
What is truly astonishing, though, is that someone like Hasan -- whose background was replete with bright red flags -- was allowed by the Army to be anywhere near troops.
Let alone serving as a psychiatrist.
Were his superior officers asleep?
More likely, they just closed their eyes, fearing for their careers. Political correctness is everywhere -- including, alas, in the highest reaches of the Pentagon.
Certainly there's more to be learned about what motivated Hasan.
But be careful of glib excuses (it's being suggested, for example, that he had been traumatized by treating traumatized soldiers -- as if trauma can be transmitted like the mumps).
Fact is, the lesson of Ft. Hood is simple enough: Terrorists terrorize -- and innocent people die.
So terrorists can be given no quarter.
They intend to give America none.
Read more:
By Michelle Malkin
The violence at Fort Hood, President Obama told mourners yesterday, was "incomprehensible." The "twisted logic that led to the tragedy," he reiterated, may be "too hard to comprehend."
What exactly is so hard to comprehend? The signs foretelling Fort Hood jihadist Maj. Nidal Hasan's rampage were all too clear for those willing to see and hear. In his 2007 slide presentation to fellow Army doctors on "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the Military," he spelled it out: "We love death more then (sic) you love life!"
Slide 11 stated: "It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims." Slide 12 cited Koranic sanctions for killing fellow believers. And Hasan made clear he wasn't alone among Muslim soldiers who "should not serve in any capacity that renders them at risk to hurting/killing believers unjustly."
Slide 13 ominously listed "adverse events" involving Muslim soldiers -- including the fatal 2003 fragging attack on American soldiers in Kuwait by Sgt. Hasan Akbar (who was sentenced to death but remains alive while his case is on appeal); the desertion case of Lebanon-born Muslim Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun; and the espionage case of Muslim chaplain James Yee (the charges were dropped, but the case raised lingering security concerns about Muslim chaplains at Gitmo and elsewhere trained by terror-linked Saudi-subsidized institutes).
Hasan missed a few "adverse events" that have faded from public memory in our reflexive age of "Islam is peace" emotionalism-over-comprehension:
* John Muhammad, the Beltway jihadist put to death last night, was a veteran of the Army's 84th Engineering Company.As I've reported previously, Muhammad was suspected of throwing a thermite grenade into a tent housing 16 of his fellow soldiers as they slept before the ground-attack phase of Gulf War I in 1991. And he was admitted to the Army despite being court-martialed while serving in the Louisiana National Guard for willfully disobeying orders, striking another noncommissioned officer, wrongfully taking property and being AWOL.
Although Muhammad was led away in handcuffs and transferred to another company pending charges for the grenade attack, an indictment never materialized. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1994. He later brainwashed young Lee Malvo in black nationalism and jihad -- and the two carried out the three-week killing spree that left 10 dead in 2002 in the name of Allah.
* Muslim American soldier Hasan Abujihaad was convicted last year on espionage and material terrorism-support charges after serving aboard the USS Benfold and sharing classified information with al Qaeda financiers, including movements of US ships just six months after al Qaeda operatives had killed 17 Americans aboard the USS Cole in the port of Yemen.
* Jeffrey Leon Battle was a former Army reservist, convicted of conspiring to levy war against the United States and "enlisting in the Reserves to receive military training to use against America." He had planned to wage war against American soldiers in Afghanistan.
* Egyptian Ali A. Mohamed joined the US Army while a resident alien despite being on a State Department terrorist-watch list before securing his visa. An avowed Islamist, he taught classes on Muslim culture to US Special Forces at Fort Bragg and obtained classified military documents. He was granted US citizenship over the objections of the CIA. Honorably discharged from the Army in 1989, he then hooked up with Osama bin Laden as an escort, trainer, bagman and messenger. He used his US passport to conduct surveillance at the US Embassy in Nairobi. He later pleaded guilty to conspiring with bin Laden and admitted his role in the 1998 African embassy bombings that killed more than 200 people, including a dozen Americans.
The grievance lobby has plied the Muslim-jihadist-as-victim narrative for nearly a decade now.
They prevail. In June, Muslim domestic-terror suspect Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad went on another shooting spree at an Arkansas recruiting station that left one serviceman dead. The Obama Justice Department response: to redouble its efforts to use "criminal and civil-rights laws to protect Muslim Americans."
Next week, Attorney General Eric Holder will speak at a banquet featuring the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism-financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.
How did Fort Hood happen, obtuse Washington asks. Simple: Blind diversity equals death.