Vitter's Lack of Responsibility to Rape Victims

In COMPLETE agreement with UppityWoman here:

Here’s a rape victim who confronts that Weasel David Vitter and asks him why he didn’t support the bill that allows a rape victim to confront her rapist in court. This is the bill I discussed here, prompted by the Haliburton employee who was gang-banged and locked in a shipping crate. This is the bill where Vitter was one of the 30 weasels who voted “No”.

Watch this shitbag blame Barack Obama and then walk out of the building while she is still talking to him, showing once more just how little respect this POS has for women in general and rape victims specifically. I always thought he was a slime ball, but this is beyond the pale.I found myself wishing somebody in the parking lot would rape this beast in every available orifice before he got into the car. Twice. Any woman in Louisiana who votes for this shithead is voting for her oppressor.

We all remember Vitter, don't we??


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