The Woman: Skewer Her... and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!

If you read nothing else today, PLEASE READ DONNA DARKO This appears to be an updated post from August that begins by accounting the history of how the primaries and caucuses were used to skewer The Woman. The updates are a complete account of what women are thinking since the House betrayed them this week. The bottom line is blind trust of the third wave in Barack Obama endangers pretty much all their rights as human beings of the “Wrong” gender. This is a huge wakeup call for the Third Wave of lax feminists. We owe them this because they are about to have a lot of water to carry. Well, maybe we don’t owe them this, but the truth is Women’s Rights are in huge danger all the way around under this congress and administration. This is not over. It’s just the start. If the House can do what they did under Democratic Leadership in the House, Senate and White House, they can and will do it again. It’s as simple as that. Wake Up Sleeping Giant! or lose your rights as a person. Even if the Stupak amendment dies, women must remember that the fact that it even passed the House is a huge Sign of the loss of respect women have incurred since the skewering of Hillary in the primaries, and it bears repeating to say that women should instinctively know that if this has been tried once, the future holds another shot at them with any of their rights. It is time for the Third Wave to realize that things are not all candy bars and flowers, there are people in power who are working daily to put them back into the kitchen as sex objects. You have installed people in power who are not what they convinced you they were. This goes all the way to the White House so stop protecting Barack Obama. None of this would be happening if he were really fighting for your rights. He is the LEADER of the party that controls BOTH houses, friends! And he created this environment of disrespect at every turn in his own behaviors. He is The Enabler. Please consider realizing that. This piece is long and worth every single minute you spend reading it. The links you need to read are all there, the outrage is huge. If you think I hit the nail on the head yesterday in my post, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Consider this an open thread on Donna Darko’s piece. I can tell by the responses yesterday, this discussion must continue. My grandmother used to say, “Whatever a man will do once, he will do again”. Third wave, please believe it! In just a few short years, you have become objectified. We are seeing behaviors that no one would have dared exhibit ten years ago. We see it in political rhetoric. We see it in TV commercials. And it’s rampant in the media. It’s escalating. Only YOU can turn back the clock to your Rights again. If you don’t, Abortion is going to be the least of your worries. “Caught Off Guard”??? You may have been caught “Off Guard” but plenty of us weren’t. We smelled this stench nearly two years ago. In fact, it was obvious. Sorry but it’s true.
MAJOR HAT TIP: Uppity Woman!


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