I'm resting this weekend. It's been a difficult week and next week I have to go to court to file some papers and am loathing having to do so.
On that note - I will repost something I found really enlighting and amusing from PROGRESSIVE INTELLIGENCE & OPINION:
You must be kidding me...
Conservapedia. It exists. At first I though I was looking at a piece of online satire in the style of Stephen Colbert. But no, Conservapedia is a place for Fox News rejects who could no longer pretend to be "fair & balanced." It is a project with the earnest intention of informing others. Yet, it is not be confused with its quasi-namesake, Wikipedia.
Conservapedia, however, is no Wikipedia. Reputable sources are scarce (perhaps because most social scientists, aka "experts" are liberal?) and much of its content consists of unadulterated right-wing rants. When citations are provided they lead to the publication of a couple of rouge scientists. Sure, there are those 5% of political scientists who will back a moderately conservative view and the 0.7% of political scientists who will back a right-wing view. And, sure they sound credible. But their publications are obviously representing a "fringe view" that contradicts the vast majority of publications in the field. Yet, Conservapedia makes no effort to mention that it has cherry picked its sources from a miniscule minority of publications.
To make matter worse (or I suppose more entertaining) Conservapedia cites the insanity of right-wing commentators like Anne Coutler and Bill O'Reilly. Half of the entry on San Francisco, for example, consists of Bill O'Reilly's commentary on what he calls "San Francisco values." Anyone using O'Reilly as a source on a Wikipedia entry would likely encounter strong opposition; the only times someone such as O'Reilly should be cited under Wikipedia policy is a text that explicitly discusses his viewpoints.
The line "The New York Times is published by 3rd generation NYT publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. Sulzberger is a radical leftist in his political opinions" says it all. Conservapedia is zest pool for right-wing rants that defies scientific consensus and common sense.
If you are in the mood for a good laugh, or just want pass the time reading pieces of right-wing paranoia, head over to Conservapedia; just don't confuse it with Wikipedia.TO READ THIS AND OTHER POSTS FROM THIS AUTHOR CLICK HERE