Does Ahmadinejad really think we are this STUPID? Or maybe he's getting ready for a gig at The Comic Strip or Caroline's? We have had a former actor as president here in the U.S.A. Maybe he's getting ready for his next job as a comic?
Unfortunately he's got dead homosexuals (that never existed - LOL), beaten & maimed women (Wow, what FREEDOM!), a trail of support to Hezbollah and other terrorist groups and his own history of kidnapping and torturing people to prove that he's no joke.
This cowardly little puke indulged in 40 minutes of pure sociopathic SCHIZOPHASIA which fooled no one but himself.
Spare us all and don't have this filth back in this country again.
That was some show Iranian despot Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put on yes terday at Columbia University. We're not sure how students who heard him gained academically - but at least they were entertained.
Ahmadinejad, on the other hand, must have had a blast. Speaking at one of America's top universities, he must have thought himself a legitimate player.
And the fact that the controversy over his speech led to its live broadcast over cable news networks likewise must have convinced him he'd won a PR coup.
But what, exactly, did Americans learn?
That Ahmadinejad is capable of delivering a rambling and often befuddling 40-minute, religious-based lecture that accused America of misusing science as a tool of oppression.
And that, when it comes to direct questions about his political views and his own government's domestic repression and international aggression - well, he's not inclined to provide a direct answer.
* Holocaust denial?
Why, Ahmadinejad just seeks additional research, albeit from "a different perspective." And besides, why should the Palestinians pay the price for something that happened in Europe?
* Ending Israel's existence?
Actually, the Iranian strongman twice refused to give a straight yes-or-no answer when asked if he and his regime favor the destruction of the Jewish state - saying the real issue is the treatment of the Palestinians.
* Terrorism?
Iran, he says, has been a "victim of terrorism." Besides, he added, "we need to address the root causes of terrorism and eradicate those root causes."
He didn't elaborate, but you can bet he meant (once again) Israel's treatment of the Palestinians - and, in turn, America's support for Israel.
As for visiting Ground Zero, he again insisted he only wanted to "pay his respects." Still, he provocatively questioned the general account of 9/11: "Why did this happen?" he asked. "What caused it? Who truly was involved?"
In his view, no doubt, Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda had nothing to do with it.
Despite all this, most of Ahmadinejad's non-responsive - or blatantly disingenuous - answers were met with silence from the audience.
When it wasn't applauding him, anyway. No kidding: When, for example, the Iranian thug chided Columbia President Lee Bollinger for insulting him - after having invited him to speak - students and faculty cheered for Ahmadinejad.
True, Bollinger had slapped his guest hard in introducing him: "You exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," said the Columbia prez. (Which, actually, understates the case.)
"I doubt that you will have the intellectual courage to answer these questions," Bollinger said. "I do expect you to exhibit the fanatical mindset that characterizes what you say and do."
On that, Ahmadinejad did not disappoint. Yet, only once did listeners erupt in a chorus of boos and hisses: when he insisted, in response to a question about repression of gays in Iran, that "we don't have homosexuals, like in your country."
Yes, it was a bizarre day up in Morningside Heights. Ahmadinejad displayed yet again his "fanatical" mindset.
Is there anyone left, outside Columbia, who still thinks he's got something worthwhile to say?