Because I'm Fat...
Yeah, I'm fat. Obese almost. And I don't like it. But the comments I get (some posted online) don't bother me as much the those expressing them hope I would. What bothers me is the willful stupidity & inability to engage their brains of these commentors.
Before I moved to the house I'm in now, I lived in a luxury condo building. One of my neighbors, when I first lived there - was named Robert. He was younger than I and lived with his older mother. He was not well but often looked fine. I asked him once why he didn't date... his response, "I won't be around long enough to be a good partner for someone." He was right.
Every few years Robert, who was tall and thin, would hobble around looking like he weighed over 300lbs. The condo gossips would talk about how "fat" he was and how he was "yo-yo dieting." I got tired of telling people it was his illnesses. You see Robert had numerous surgeries, medication as well as having 2 transplants to try to save his life. But they didn't care - all these people saw was he was fat.
And in our culture - better dead than fat.
When I was first diagnosed as permanently disabled, Robert came to see me. He thanked me for my ongoing kindness to him. Robert died a few months later, succumbing to his illnesses. None of it had anything to do with weight. He was barely 30. Yet, I still heard people talk about Robert's weight after he died.
My fat is mostly because of the cycling of a severe endocrine disorder I inherited and have been dealing with since I was 9. I never had weight issues with it until after I gave birth after 11 years of extreme invasive infertility treatment. I have had a number of surgeries. I have also been disabled for 13 years and on a host of medications that allow me to function and keep my chronic pain down to a dull roar - things that cause a lot of bloating.
It amazes me today, just like it did in junior high, that people talk about you and your weight as if you are deaf too. I take my children out to eat a couple times a month and people look at my normal and thin children as if I steal their food. I am treated with disdain. If I am using my cane - I hear the sighs of disgust. Oh, I am meticulous about my personal cleanliness and clothing. I always have been. I take care of myself as best I can, but to society - it's not enough for women like me.
That's not just sad. It's sick.

I'm a woman and I'm fat.
After you stop gasping in horror, grow the fuck up and deal with it. You don't buy my food, my clothes, nor do you fill my car with gas so p*ss on your self-righteous indignation. I pay for my own health care so stop trying to blame me for your rising insurance premiums.
I'm tired of hearing your false platitudes about how I should lose weight for my health. Stop ASSuming I don't eat healthy food and exercise just because I'm fat.
While you're at it, stop ASSuming thin people are always healthy too.
If you don't like the way I look stop whining; do the adult thing and simply look away. Contrary to what you've been told, I don't have an unspoken obligation to please your eyes. And for your information I bathe at least once a day during the Winter, and twice a day during the Summer so stop curling your nose up. The only thing that stinks around here is your [ ] attitude. Screwing your face up like that only makes me look even better because baring your teeth in disgust makes you look like a rabid hairless chihuahua.
Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I have to listen to you whine about your eating disorder to prove I am not prejudiced against thin people. I have my own eating habits to keep in check without being burdened by someone else's deliberate food f**k ups.
I'm fat, not a professional sympathizer for the self-labeled "pretty people" who throw up, starve, snort coke, or do whatever stupid things to stay thin. I'm not anti-thin, I'm anti-enabling people to act stupid without criticism.
Being fat doesn't mean I have to prove my worth by nurturing everyone; including every professional victim and f***wit that thinks my precious time should be spent listening to their complaints of the unfairness of the Universe.
No, I don't want to meet any loser friends of your boyfriends who can't find a date. Just because I'm fat, it doesn't mean I'm less than a woman and therefore deserve less than a real man. Save your pathetic substandard matchmaking for the whacked out druggie twit across the street. Maybe she'll have a use for the bitter, broke, and divorced sod you have handy.
While I'm on the subject, just because I'm fat it doesn't mean I should date old, butt ugly, or used up men because they think fat chicks are easy and can't get any better. I'm fat, not an alternative f**k to settle for; nor am I a fan of self-debasing sex. Being fat doesn't mean I'm obligated to entertain rejected men until the woman of their dreams comes along. Being fat also doesn't mean I'm so desperate for male attention I'll take it from someone who graduated with my grandfather.
Don't think calling yourself a chubby chaser will make me feel flattered, or more confident in your attraction to me. If you aren't attracted to my personality; then you're just as superficial as the himbos chasing after skinny [chicks]. Dismissing my bad reaction as petty jealousy just reinforces the fact that you tried to get into my pants by being a lying piece of sh*it.
And no, liking just my personality is not enough to move on to a sexual level. Just because I'm fat it doesn't mean I don't deserve real attraction, passion, or lust. I don't want someone to claim me now because they think I'll lose weight later and live up to their typical expectations.

Many people are offended at the notion that I, a fat woman, won't settle for less than an attractive, financially-able partner. However, I am offended that people think it's acceptable that fat men get attractive women while I'm expected to settle for ground beef when prime rib is available. I'm VERY offended that people think I should have to lose weight in order to deserve an attractive mate, good sex, and a happy emotionally healthy life.
I'm also VERY offended that people think fat women should feel grateful that any man would give them the time of day, therefore asking for more is inherently wrong. Do you know what would make me grateful? If all those people would fall of the face of the [ ] planet.
Before I moved to the house I'm in now, I lived in a luxury condo building. One of my neighbors, when I first lived there - was named Robert. He was younger than I and lived with his older mother. He was not well but often looked fine. I asked him once why he didn't date... his response, "I won't be around long enough to be a good partner for someone." He was right.
Every few years Robert, who was tall and thin, would hobble around looking like he weighed over 300lbs. The condo gossips would talk about how "fat" he was and how he was "yo-yo dieting." I got tired of telling people it was his illnesses. You see Robert had numerous surgeries, medication as well as having 2 transplants to try to save his life. But they didn't care - all these people saw was he was fat.
And in our culture - better dead than fat.
When I was first diagnosed as permanently disabled, Robert came to see me. He thanked me for my ongoing kindness to him. Robert died a few months later, succumbing to his illnesses. None of it had anything to do with weight. He was barely 30. Yet, I still heard people talk about Robert's weight after he died.
My fat is mostly because of the cycling of a severe endocrine disorder I inherited and have been dealing with since I was 9. I never had weight issues with it until after I gave birth after 11 years of extreme invasive infertility treatment. I have had a number of surgeries. I have also been disabled for 13 years and on a host of medications that allow me to function and keep my chronic pain down to a dull roar - things that cause a lot of bloating.
It amazes me today, just like it did in junior high, that people talk about you and your weight as if you are deaf too. I take my children out to eat a couple times a month and people look at my normal and thin children as if I steal their food. I am treated with disdain. If I am using my cane - I hear the sighs of disgust. Oh, I am meticulous about my personal cleanliness and clothing. I always have been. I take care of myself as best I can, but to society - it's not enough for women like me.
That's not just sad. It's sick.

I'm a woman and I'm fat.
After you stop gasping in horror, grow the fuck up and deal with it. You don't buy my food, my clothes, nor do you fill my car with gas so p*ss on your self-righteous indignation. I pay for my own health care so stop trying to blame me for your rising insurance premiums.
I'm tired of hearing your false platitudes about how I should lose weight for my health. Stop ASSuming I don't eat healthy food and exercise just because I'm fat.
While you're at it, stop ASSuming thin people are always healthy too.
If you don't like the way I look stop whining; do the adult thing and simply look away. Contrary to what you've been told, I don't have an unspoken obligation to please your eyes. And for your information I bathe at least once a day during the Winter, and twice a day during the Summer so stop curling your nose up. The only thing that stinks around here is your [ ] attitude. Screwing your face up like that only makes me look even better because baring your teeth in disgust makes you look like a rabid hairless chihuahua.
Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I have to listen to you whine about your eating disorder to prove I am not prejudiced against thin people. I have my own eating habits to keep in check without being burdened by someone else's deliberate food f**k ups.
I'm fat, not a professional sympathizer for the self-labeled "pretty people" who throw up, starve, snort coke, or do whatever stupid things to stay thin. I'm not anti-thin, I'm anti-enabling people to act stupid without criticism.
Being fat doesn't mean I have to prove my worth by nurturing everyone; including every professional victim and f***wit that thinks my precious time should be spent listening to their complaints of the unfairness of the Universe.
No, I don't want to meet any loser friends of your boyfriends who can't find a date. Just because I'm fat, it doesn't mean I'm less than a woman and therefore deserve less than a real man. Save your pathetic substandard matchmaking for the whacked out druggie twit across the street. Maybe she'll have a use for the bitter, broke, and divorced sod you have handy.
While I'm on the subject, just because I'm fat it doesn't mean I should date old, butt ugly, or used up men because they think fat chicks are easy and can't get any better. I'm fat, not an alternative f**k to settle for; nor am I a fan of self-debasing sex. Being fat doesn't mean I'm obligated to entertain rejected men until the woman of their dreams comes along. Being fat also doesn't mean I'm so desperate for male attention I'll take it from someone who graduated with my grandfather.
Don't think calling yourself a chubby chaser will make me feel flattered, or more confident in your attraction to me. If you aren't attracted to my personality; then you're just as superficial as the himbos chasing after skinny [chicks]. Dismissing my bad reaction as petty jealousy just reinforces the fact that you tried to get into my pants by being a lying piece of sh*it.
And no, liking just my personality is not enough to move on to a sexual level. Just because I'm fat it doesn't mean I don't deserve real attraction, passion, or lust. I don't want someone to claim me now because they think I'll lose weight later and live up to their typical expectations.

Many people are offended at the notion that I, a fat woman, won't settle for less than an attractive, financially-able partner. However, I am offended that people think it's acceptable that fat men get attractive women while I'm expected to settle for ground beef when prime rib is available. I'm VERY offended that people think I should have to lose weight in order to deserve an attractive mate, good sex, and a happy emotionally healthy life.
I'm also VERY offended that people think fat women should feel grateful that any man would give them the time of day, therefore asking for more is inherently wrong. Do you know what would make me grateful? If all those people would fall of the face of the [ ] planet.
I mean, what did she think, that I didn't kinow? Duhh.