You’re right. Women Need to be “Safe”. From Guys Like You.
More from my blogging sister, Uppity Woman:
I am truly insulted and incensed.
Somebody please tell me that this guy is just a bad satirist. I simply cannot believe that a classy site like American Thinker would let this clinical case with a “Woman Problem” post this ignorant caveman crap.

This piece is spreading like wildfire across the net among totally pissed-off women who supported John McCain. We simply cannot believe what we are reading. This must be some kind of “Conservative” program to stop more women from voting Republican forever.
Damn bitches! We should have never let them vote! Now they go to college and things and all of this is just plain out of control, dammit!
Guess what Mr. Chantrill? I didn’t vote for Barack Obama. Millions of women didn’t vote for him. Some of us Democratic bitches women worked VERY hard to help the Republican party in the last election and your first paragraph is our reward. But guess what? Today you almost make me glad that you lost. Good God, where does the Republican party get characters like you, anyways? Are they trying to eliminate themselves entirely?
I don’t see where a guy like you can ever “hope for change,” though. Women are probably never going to like you. Women generally don’t hang out very long with throwbacks to Pithecantropus Rex. We can see why we would be a big problem for you “remaining cave men conservatives”. As a matter of fact, some actually sane conservatives (male and….gasp!!!… female) frequent this board. I wonder what they have to say about the likes of you. You insult these good people too. You are not a conservative at all. You are a woman hater who wants to blame them because they just won’t take orders from you.
Let me just say that you are right about one thing: Women seek safety– except most women have a different concept of safety than you do. We strive to escape and be safe from men like you.
I truly hope you do not have a daughter, and moreover I truly hope you haven’t spawned at all. Not for anything Mr. Chantrill, but there are women who frequent this blog who could put your house inside of theirs and they did it in spite of guys like you, not because of you. I’ll bet that bothers you, eh? Heh.
I just woke up! And I am running from your party as fast as I ran from mine. Thanks for the heads up!
You are right, Government is oppressive. But most smart women ( I know…I know…it’s rare for you to find a smart woman, right?) already have learned that it’s just a matter of which party we women pick that will screw us this year. Because, trust me, Mr. Chantrill, if you “mean well” in your piece, you are a huge bust and who you really are is showing. Thanks for reminding me that, had I and so MANY Democratic women who voted for your party last November been successful in defeating one oppressor, we would only have turned ourselves over to guys like you.
We don’t need your version of “safety” dude. We need you to stop making assinine assumptions and decisions for us. We aren’t going to stop until you stop. Get it?
We need guys like you to stop pretending you even have a clue as to what women think or want. That has always been a problem with your Party. Now look what you have done. You have allowed America to be turned over to a bunch of Socialists. Why did this happen? It happened because guys like you scare women more than they do. What does THAT tell you?
Sir, I really hope you are trying to be a satirist with this piece. If so, you are a really bad one and need to go find something else to do. If not, I am truly glad I wasn’t born with you as a brother. You need to scurry off and resolve your problem with your mother or whatever woman is rejecting you, and then please get a vasectomy as quickly as humanly possible, so that you might remove your woman-hating genes from the pool of humanity. You don’t know women at all. And I’ll just bet you’ve heard that before. But don’t you EVER even THINK that the women in this country are going to let guys like you, who think we shouldn’t even vote, have anything to do with our life decisions.
But I will say one thing for you. You deserve the award for being the most clueless male who has ever attempted to generalize about women on the internets. Did you get a girl to type it for you between your reruns of Leave It To Beaver?
Most of all, I want to congratulate you. You just lost some more votes for the Republican Party for next time around. I myself, a right of center broad person, am seriously considering that, if this party is comprised of predominantly people like you, you are all crazed and will never deserve my vote again.
You are clearly a guy who thinks women should have never been given the “right” to vote, and you actually think that the likes of you could “Change a woman’s mind” because we are all just so stupid and you are so smart. Amazing, really.
Do you not see that guys like you are the reason the Republicans are in the trash can right now? As long as I remember, you have been trying to tell women what to do, what is acceptable, how to live and what to think. And we resent it. BIG TIME. What part of that don’t you get yet?
If I were the Republican party, I would hunt your ass down and stuff a rag in your mouth. That “woman problem” you have with your life refers to 51% of the voters in America. So I suggest you get your ass back to the drawing board when calculating what we “want”–because you aren’t even in the ball park.
The thing is, We Vote. Whether you like it or not–and obviously you don’t like it. I hope you take it in the spirit in which it is intended when I say to you: Tough Shit. No wonder you recognize the Democratic Party’s oppressive characteristics. It takes one to know one.
The thing is, we are better than half the voting population. This means, we don’t need you – you need us. We are your party’s customer, not the other way around. You might want to bear that in mind when you imagine that we ought to conform to your line of thinking instead of the other way around. In other words, you are not in charge of us.

I would like you to know that your article has been passed around to women like candy on Halloween, and you have pissed off a massive group of them. Good work! That should get the Republican Party our support again! Ya think? And if I’ve been rough on you, please know that it doesn’t even come close to the way in which you have just insulted us.
Your mother must be so proud to have spawned her own oppressor. So proud…..
You’re The King, Al! Want me to do your windows?
I am truly insulted and incensed.
Somebody please tell me that this guy is just a bad satirist. I simply cannot believe that a classy site like American Thinker would let this clinical case with a “Woman Problem” post this ignorant caveman crap.
This piece is spreading like wildfire across the net among totally pissed-off women who supported John McCain. We simply cannot believe what we are reading. This must be some kind of “Conservative” program to stop more women from voting Republican forever.
The biggest problem we remaining conservatives have to consider is the Woman Problem. We have to confront the fact that one of the reasons that we live in an age of Big Government is that ever since they first got the vote, women have used their franchise to vote for more government. Can we even hope for change?Atta way! Blame women for your shortcomings.
Damn bitches! We should have never let them vote! Now they go to college and things and all of this is just plain out of control, dammit!
Guess what Mr. Chantrill? I didn’t vote for Barack Obama. Millions of women didn’t vote for him. Some of us Democratic bitches women worked VERY hard to help the Republican party in the last election and your first paragraph is our reward. But guess what? Today you almost make me glad that you lost. Good God, where does the Republican party get characters like you, anyways? Are they trying to eliminate themselves entirely?
I don’t see where a guy like you can ever “hope for change,” though. Women are probably never going to like you. Women generally don’t hang out very long with throwbacks to Pithecantropus Rex. We can see why we would be a big problem for you “remaining cave men conservatives”. As a matter of fact, some actually sane conservatives (male and….gasp!!!… female) frequent this board. I wonder what they have to say about the likes of you. You insult these good people too. You are not a conservative at all. You are a woman hater who wants to blame them because they just won’t take orders from you.
Woman thinks first of safety, and thinks nothing of erecting a vast apparatus of compulsion to achieve it. But woman is not just wedded to safety. She is also defined by her relationships. She does not just want those in her circle of care to be safe; she wants them to thrive and be happy.Now, I know you already know everything Mr. Chantrill. Especially about women. This is obvious. But just humor little ole dumb, dependent me and let me educate you about how women really think–because you clearly haven’t spent much time with any of them. No, I suspect that a guy like you can Never “hope for change” in that department. By the way, you have a penis. Don’t you want to thrive and be happy or is that just for the girls?
Let me just say that you are right about one thing: Women seek safety– except most women have a different concept of safety than you do. We strive to escape and be safe from men like you.
I truly hope you do not have a daughter, and moreover I truly hope you haven’t spawned at all. Not for anything Mr. Chantrill, but there are women who frequent this blog who could put your house inside of theirs and they did it in spite of guys like you, not because of you. I’ll bet that bothers you, eh? Heh.
A majority of male voters are already sold on the conservative vision. That’s not too surprising, given the costs that government piles on every man of aspiration from Joe the Plumber on up. Now the job of conservatives is to persuade women. Can we persuade women that safety is not spelled government? There’s one encouraging indicator. Women are more easily persuaded to change their minds on political issues than men.Women don’t like you do they? And everybody knows why except you, right? You have a “woman problem”. And it’s your problem, not everybody else’s. Please do not put the many Republican and Democratic good men I know who don’t have masculinity issues in the same category as yourself. One thing is for sure: Most women won’t be “changing their minds” about guys like you. Generally, today’s discerning women prefer guys who don’t drag their knuckles on the floor when they walk. Your article is not what I would call an “encouraging indicator” for women who need “convincing”.
We must work for the day when women wake up and realize that big government oppresses women more than the patriarchy ever did. If they come to realize that, it will be because conservatives have persuaded them, using good conservative conversation, that government doesn’t care about people. Government is force, not safety.I cannot tell you how hysterically funny this quote is. Here you are talking about how government oppresses women and an oppressor like you wants to replace it with guys like yourself. Judging from your very first paragraph, I can’t think of any woman who would want to have “a good conservative conversation” with you.
I just woke up! And I am running from your party as fast as I ran from mine. Thanks for the heads up!
You are right, Government is oppressive. But most smart women ( I know…I know…it’s rare for you to find a smart woman, right?) already have learned that it’s just a matter of which party we women pick that will screw us this year. Because, trust me, Mr. Chantrill, if you “mean well” in your piece, you are a huge bust and who you really are is showing. Thanks for reminding me that, had I and so MANY Democratic women who voted for your party last November been successful in defeating one oppressor, we would only have turned ourselves over to guys like you.
We don’t need your version of “safety” dude. We need you to stop making assinine assumptions and decisions for us. We aren’t going to stop until you stop. Get it?
We need guys like you to stop pretending you even have a clue as to what women think or want. That has always been a problem with your Party. Now look what you have done. You have allowed America to be turned over to a bunch of Socialists. Why did this happen? It happened because guys like you scare women more than they do. What does THAT tell you?
Sir, I really hope you are trying to be a satirist with this piece. If so, you are a really bad one and need to go find something else to do. If not, I am truly glad I wasn’t born with you as a brother. You need to scurry off and resolve your problem with your mother or whatever woman is rejecting you, and then please get a vasectomy as quickly as humanly possible, so that you might remove your woman-hating genes from the pool of humanity. You don’t know women at all. And I’ll just bet you’ve heard that before. But don’t you EVER even THINK that the women in this country are going to let guys like you, who think we shouldn’t even vote, have anything to do with our life decisions.
But I will say one thing for you. You deserve the award for being the most clueless male who has ever attempted to generalize about women on the internets. Did you get a girl to type it for you between your reruns of Leave It To Beaver?
Most of all, I want to congratulate you. You just lost some more votes for the Republican Party for next time around. I myself, a right of center broad person, am seriously considering that, if this party is comprised of predominantly people like you, you are all crazed and will never deserve my vote again.
You are clearly a guy who thinks women should have never been given the “right” to vote, and you actually think that the likes of you could “Change a woman’s mind” because we are all just so stupid and you are so smart. Amazing, really.
Do you not see that guys like you are the reason the Republicans are in the trash can right now? As long as I remember, you have been trying to tell women what to do, what is acceptable, how to live and what to think. And we resent it. BIG TIME. What part of that don’t you get yet?
If I were the Republican party, I would hunt your ass down and stuff a rag in your mouth. That “woman problem” you have with your life refers to 51% of the voters in America. So I suggest you get your ass back to the drawing board when calculating what we “want”–because you aren’t even in the ball park.
The thing is, We Vote. Whether you like it or not–and obviously you don’t like it. I hope you take it in the spirit in which it is intended when I say to you: Tough Shit. No wonder you recognize the Democratic Party’s oppressive characteristics. It takes one to know one.
The thing is, we are better than half the voting population. This means, we don’t need you – you need us. We are your party’s customer, not the other way around. You might want to bear that in mind when you imagine that we ought to conform to your line of thinking instead of the other way around. In other words, you are not in charge of us.
I would like you to know that your article has been passed around to women like candy on Halloween, and you have pissed off a massive group of them. Good work! That should get the Republican Party our support again! Ya think? And if I’ve been rough on you, please know that it doesn’t even come close to the way in which you have just insulted us.
Your mother must be so proud to have spawned her own oppressor. So proud…..
You’re The King, Al! Want me to do your windows?
As far as I'm concerned the Republicans (and now, clearly the Democrats as well) don't give shit about women. It's all about patriarchal churches. And why do women take this crap?????
A pox on both their houses!
I have it posted at IA if you want to the whole thing...