"I am the real victim here!" cries Blagojevich
OMG! I am speechless.
This is so blatantly pathological... the audacity!
Soooooo... who's lying here? One guess!

Blagojevich: I'm the victim of plot to raise taxes
Launching an all-out media blitz as his impeachment trial draws near, Gov. Rod Blagojevich compared himself Friday to an honest, hardworking cowboy about to be lynched by a band of black-hatted political insiders eager to raise taxes. fter keeping mostly out of the public eye since his arrest on federal corruption charges, Blagojevich is reversing course with a series of interviews and public statements portraying himself as the victim of vengeful lawmakers eager to toss him out of office.
"The heart and soul of this has been a struggle of me against the system," Blagojevich said at a news conference Friday.
Blagojevich denied any wrongdoing but wouldn't discuss the federal corruption charges filed against him last month. Instead, he focused on his efforts to expand government health care programs without raising taxes.
He has chosen not to mount any defense in the Senate impeachment trial that begins Monday and could remove him from office within days. He may ask the Illinois Supreme Court to block the trial, arguing its rules are hopelessly biased against him.
Blagojevich, a fan of Western movies, drew a long analogy Friday between his situation and that of a cowboy accused of stealing a horse. His story ended with one cowboy suggesting the accused thief be hanged, with the other suggesting he first be tried, then hanged.
"Under these rules, I'm not even getting a fair trial; they're just hanging me. And when they hang me under these rules that prevent due process, they're hanging the 12 million people of Illinois who twice have elected a governor," he said.
The Democratic governor told The Associated Press on Thursday night that he's willing to sacrifice himself for principle by standing up to lawmakers he believes are violating the Illinois Constitution. "The fight will continue," he said.
Yet Blagojevich's main fight right now is a public relations battle, such as calling Friday for Illinois newspapers to publish editorials demanding the Senate change its trial rules.
It's not clear what, if anything, Blagojevich hopes to gain from his strategy of boycotting the impeachment trial and defending himself through the media.
Several legal experts said they could see some benefit to participating in the trial or resigning office. But refusing to do either makes little sense, they said.
"There's no benefit at all, except to make himself look ridiculous. In addition, anything he says can be used against him later" in court," said Leonard Cavise, a law professor at DePaul University.
The FBI arrested Blagojevich on a variety of corruption charges, including the allegation he schemed to benefit from his power to name President Barack Obama's replacement in the U.S. Senate.
His arrest triggered impeachment proceedings, and the House voted almost unanimously to send his case to the Senate for trial. A Senate conviction would remove him from office but have no impact on the continuing criminal case.
The only way Blagojevich can stay in office is to find 20 of the Senate's 59 members willing to vote for his acquittal. It's possible he hopes defending himself in interviews will inspire the public to pressure senators to support him.
Or Blagojevich may hope to build sympathy among potential jurors in some future criminal trial.
But there's little evidence of goodwill left among the public.
The combative approach is a return to a favorite Blagojevich tactic.

"I took that system on. I challenged that system," he said Friday. "That's what this is all about."
The governor twisted facts or exaggerated to support his version of events.
He has specifically mentioned wanting to call governors and senators to testify about all the good he's done. Nothing in Senate rules would have barred those witnesses. Blagojevich never asked to have them testify.
This is so blatantly pathological... the audacity!
Soooooo... who's lying here? One guess!
Blagojevich: I'm the victim of plot to raise taxes
Launching an all-out media blitz as his impeachment trial draws near, Gov. Rod Blagojevich compared himself Friday to an honest, hardworking cowboy about to be lynched by a band of black-hatted political insiders eager to raise taxes. fter keeping mostly out of the public eye since his arrest on federal corruption charges, Blagojevich is reversing course with a series of interviews and public statements portraying himself as the victim of vengeful lawmakers eager to toss him out of office.
Narcissists are the most horrific liars and they are outstanding at it. They can come up with the most elaborate stories at the drop of a hat and they are extremely convincing. They can also take the smallest scrap of information or the most insignificant incident and masterfully weave it into a major event.
The wierdest thing is often the kind of things they lie about. Things that are ridiculous, where everybody was there and knows it's a lie.
For them the truth is however seldom glitzy enough. Nothing in or about their lives is allowed to be mundane or average. It's either awesome and magnificently wonderful or it is magnificently awful. Nothing can simply "be".
One of their favourite uses for lying is to foster this illusion that everything about them is bigger and better. They are the best at whatever they do and generally believe that they are not appreciated enough.
In order to support all of this they will embellish, fabricate, subtly distort the truth and finally, they will blatantly lie. - Oh, and they are the worst when it comes to name-dropping.
Perhaps they attended a gathering and a famous celebrity also happened to be there. Perhaps they were even introduced to the person. By the time that you get to hear of the incident, he and the celebrity are bosom buddies and the narcissist can happily regale you with tales of all their supposed experiences together.
If you ever do discover the lie you could learn that he had related someone elses tales as if they were his own, or perhaps in a moment of great creativity he had in fact come up with a totally original story all by himself.
Their greatest moments are however when cornered with past facts.
Speaking of facts - you can try confronting them with these and you'll most likely be told that someone else lied or misunderstood or perhaps it is even a conspiracy of sorts against them. They may even end up just dismissing you and changing the subject altogether.
Never, however, will they admit to the lie or concede to having incorrectly stated facts. They would rather weave a hundred even more implausible and ridiculous stories in an attempt to prove the initial lie.
"The heart and soul of this has been a struggle of me against the system," Blagojevich said at a news conference Friday.
Blagojevich denied any wrongdoing but wouldn't discuss the federal corruption charges filed against him last month. Instead, he focused on his efforts to expand government health care programs without raising taxes.
Narcissists almost make a career out of being victims. Ask any narcissist to tell you his story and you are bound to hear about the evil ex-wife, the ungrateful children, the idiotic and exploitative bosses, the crooked partner, the scorned & obsessed ex-girlfriend and every person who has been out to get them throughout their lives - which just about includes everyone they have ever encountered. Get involved with them and you will be the next addition to the list.
When we simply accept these things and even protect abusers from the consequences of their actions, we are not only giving them permission to continue, but to escalate to even greater levels of abusive power and control.
If an abuser is going to change, it will be because he is forced to. For as long as he can keep getting away with his behaviours and keep you coming back for more, there will be no incentive to change.
For as long as he can make you feel sorry for him, he has you where he wants you.
He has chosen not to mount any defense in the Senate impeachment trial that begins Monday and could remove him from office within days. He may ask the Illinois Supreme Court to block the trial, arguing its rules are hopelessly biased against him.
Blagojevich, a fan of Western movies, drew a long analogy Friday between his situation and that of a cowboy accused of stealing a horse. His story ended with one cowboy suggesting the accused thief be hanged, with the other suggesting he first be tried, then hanged.
"Under these rules, I'm not even getting a fair trial; they're just hanging me. And when they hang me under these rules that prevent due process, they're hanging the 12 million people of Illinois who twice have elected a governor," he said.
The Democratic governor told The Associated Press on Thursday night that he's willing to sacrifice himself for principle by standing up to lawmakers he believes are violating the Illinois Constitution. "The fight will continue," he said.
Yet Blagojevich's main fight right now is a public relations battle, such as calling Friday for Illinois newspapers to publish editorials demanding the Senate change its trial rules.
It's not clear what, if anything, Blagojevich hopes to gain from his strategy of boycotting the impeachment trial and defending himself through the media.
The "Do They Have Feelings?" question is answered in the same way: Yes, they do, but only for themselves.
Several legal experts said they could see some benefit to participating in the trial or resigning office. But refusing to do either makes little sense, they said.
"There's no benefit at all, except to make himself look ridiculous. In addition, anything he says can be used against him later" in court," said Leonard Cavise, a law professor at DePaul University.
The FBI arrested Blagojevich on a variety of corruption charges, including the allegation he schemed to benefit from his power to name President Barack Obama's replacement in the U.S. Senate.
His arrest triggered impeachment proceedings, and the House voted almost unanimously to send his case to the Senate for trial. A Senate conviction would remove him from office but have no impact on the continuing criminal case.
The only way Blagojevich can stay in office is to find 20 of the Senate's 59 members willing to vote for his acquittal. It's possible he hopes defending himself in interviews will inspire the public to pressure senators to support him.
Or Blagojevich may hope to build sympathy among potential jurors in some future criminal trial.
But there's little evidence of goodwill left among the public.
Accusations, real or imagined past offences and personal criticism are their three favourite tools to this end. Anything to get you hopping and get the focus off themselves.Shortly after his arrest, an independent poll found his job-approval rating had dwindled to just 8 percent. More recently, a poll for the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform found that nearly 8 out of 10 Illinois residents believe the state is on the wrong track.
They also use questions that are skillfully worded and artfully delivered. They use facts that they distort ever so slightly so that they are hard to correct. They use skewed logic to turn a situation around from them being guilty to us being the cause.
If they try to goad you, which is highly likely - they hate silent responses - revert to the techniques for setting boundaries. Refuse to engage and walk away.
The combative approach is a return to a favorite Blagojevich tactic.
Since taking office six years ago, he has often portrayed himself as a lone champion of the people, outnumbered by uncaring lawmakers, a lazy bureaucracy and slick lobbyists.Playing with history
When all else fails, this is what they do. Put them in a corner about something that happened as recently as an hour ago and they will either tell you that they have no recall of it whatsoever or simply tell you that you are wrong. At this point they will be more than happy to go into great detail about what really transpired, which can be so blatantly untrue that it leaves you standing mouth agape.
They will claim to have said or done things that they didn't; claim that you did or said things that you didn't or simply rewrite the story entirely.
In extreme cases they will even claim that the incident never happened at all.
"I took that system on. I challenged that system," he said Friday. "That's what this is all about."
The governor twisted facts or exaggerated to support his version of events.
A common bully tactic. It goes right along with changing the subject and making accusations. As long as he can somehow make you believe that it was all your fault, he's off the hook and you're either left wondering what just hit you or you're falling over yourself (and him) to make it up to him. If you go for the latter option, there is a good chance that he will milk it for all it's worth.He has repeatedly said he wouldn't be allowed to call witnesses in the Senate trial, but that's not correct. Trial rules prohibit witnesses that federal prosecutors feel would interfere with their criminal case, but Blagojevich could have called other people.
It's not always your fault though. It could be his boss, the clerk at the grocery store, the bank teller, the guy who cut him off on the freeway, a lack of sleep, a worrying situation … anyone or anything at all as long as it's not him.
Either way he wins. If nobody in the situation is to blame, then there is no way to resolve the problem. If you are to blame, then you must fix it. As for him, he is just an innocent victim and utterly blameless, therefore unable to do anything at all to find a solution, but totally justified.
He has specifically mentioned wanting to call governors and senators to testify about all the good he's done. Nothing in Senate rules would have barred those witnesses. Blagojevich never asked to have them testify.