Ms. Rice, Ms. Pelosi? Has the Jimmy Carter Kool-Aid worn off yet? Knock knock? Has your sanity returned? You think so? Alrighty then - check it the article below.
Their span of attention to PEACE is smaller than that of a common housefly. And what do you do with pesky flies? hhmmmmmm? (the Clue Phone keeps ringing girls. For gosh sake, ANSWER IT!!)
Hamas militants declare end to Israel truce
Armed wing lets off barrage of rockets and mortar shells from Gaza
Armed wing lets off barrage of rockets and mortar shells from Gaza
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas militants fired a barrage of rockets and mortar shells toward Israel on Tuesday and said they considered a five-month truce with Israel to have come to an end. Also in Gaza, an angry clan stormed the parliament building, carrying the body of a slain family member, to demand the killers be brought to justice. Tuesday’s rocket attack, which came on Israel’s 59th Independence Day, did not cause any damage or injury. However, it marked the first time Hamas openly acknowledged firing shells toward Israel since agreeing to a cease-fire along the Gaza-Israel border in November. A spokesman for Hamas’ armed wing said the group considered the truce to have ended.
“The cease-fire has been over for a long time, and Israel is responsible for that,” the spokesman, Abu Obeida, told the Voice of Palestine radio station.
In recent months, Hamas had largely held back on attacks, particularly during its negotiations on a power-sharing agreement with the Fatah movement of moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Now the Muslim militant group appears to be spoiling for a fight, especially in the absence of any progress toward the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israeli soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit. Shalit was captured by Hamas-allied militants in Gaza last June.
“This is a message to the Zionist enemy that our strikes will continue,” Abu Obeida said of the rocket fire. “We are ready to kidnap more and more, and kill more and more of your soldiers.”Shalit’s kidnappers demand the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, including veterans and those involved in killing or wounding Israelis. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that freeing soldiers is important to the government, but that it would not repeat “mistakes made in the past” by releasing violent prisoners who then carried out more attacks against Israelis. But Olmert said there would be “no escape in the end from making a difficult decision” on trading prisoners for the captured Israeli troops.
New peace push?
In other developments Tuesday, Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres offered a positive view of the Arab peace initiative, but said it was still too early to judge it. The plan offers Israel peace with the Arab world, in return for an Israeli withdrawal from the territories it captured in the 1967 Mideast War. The plan also calls for a solution for Palestinian refugees and their descendants, in all several million people.
Asked about the plan, Peres told The Associated Press: “There is music but not yet an orchestra, and you have to look who’s going to play and who’s going to conduct, but we like the music.”Hamas militants claimed Tuesday they launched 40 rockets and 70 mortar shells. However, the Israeli military said it could only confirm six rockets and eight mortars. Two of the rockets fell in Israel, north of the Gaza Strip, the army said. The rockets fell after nine Palestinians were killed in fighting with Israel over the weekend. Most of the dead were militants, but Palestinians said at least two civilians, including a 17-year-old girl, were killed.
The upswing in violence drew calls from Palestinian moderates for Abbas to cut off contacts with Olmert. Hamas, the senior partner in a coalition with Fatah, called for renewed attacks against Israelis.
Palestinian infighting
Also in Gaza, around 200 men from the Abu Sharkh tribe, many armed with rifles and M16s, pushed their way into the parliament building, firing in the air, and carrying the body of 38-year-old Hassan Abu Sharkh on a stretcher.
original article - click here
it's much harder for governments, political parties or institutions to change than an individual because the force of inertia is that much greater, by a factor of many, and it takes truly revolutionary individuals to achieve and force change
Thank you for visiting my humble blog. I appreciated your advise.
I think - ad least I hope - exposing his comment[s] scared him off! It has worked in the past with others. LOL!
Now unto your great post. That is a very complete wrap-up that I can appreciate.
First, I would say that the Palestinians have no intentions of ever keeping any peace agreement with Israel. The fact Olmert keeps going there truly troubles me.
When Ariel Sharon took ill a year and a half ago I had misgivings regarding Olmert. But last summer when Hizbullah began a war with Israel, ad least in the beginning and towards the middle of the war - I repented to G-d for having perhaps misjudged Olmert. Ah, but alas Olmert proved my misgivings correct by the end of the war. No Israeli kidnapped soldiers to dat are returned. That is disgraceful!
Some people refer to Olmert as a "hack"-I would be remiss to become disrespectful since I do not walk in his shoes, but maybe that is a good description of him?
I do not trust Olmert or his judgment [decision making] and believe he is leading Israel into more trouble than they already have.
I absolutely believe in Bibi Netanyahu--he would do more good now than Olmert has done since Sharon was taken ill. The whole situation continues to just escalate.
I also resent the US's hypocritical nature of involvement. They hand out money to sponsoring terror countries, even Palestine, and these Arabs claim we give money to Israel and help them. NO! We lend money to Israel and force them to make concessions regarding the Palestinians. Israel must pay us back the money we give, but Palestine and those horid Arab Nations never have to pay a dime back!
Maybe that is why Olmert is making such botched decisions. Who is really standing with Israel?
Certainly the US would not tolerate Mexicans bombing up Texas and Arizona to take the land from us--they would retaliate big time. Oh but the US asks Israel to give land to a people [that are not Palestinians, because there is no such people] that does not have a right to it. Shame on the US and a world that promotes this lunacy!!!!
The US believes the lies of the PA and in my opinion Condi Rice is a "hack" and George Bush has become a traitor to the only real friend America has truly ever had - Isreal.
Barbara this makes me so sick and angry. All I can conclude here with is that we must continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
G-d's best to you.
PS-I think this blog is great and I am going to add it to my blogroll!
VERY well said!!
Layla - thanks for your effusive comments ::blush::
Until my divorce I was never ALLOWED by my ex or my family to express my opinions on Israel, and was shouted down on my politics here. Not because of a difference of opinion but because of the abuse I was being subjected to.
So, a few months back my therapist asked me what I was doing with my personal blog - I said - not much - and she said "I want you to start having a voice about your opinions again and writing more" and a day later she shot me the URL for JBlogs. And about 3 months later - here I am.
I look at Israel as an "abused woman" and the parallels are striking. I even find the liberals here, whom I mostly sympathize with - totally CLUELESS that when it comes to the PA and Hamas, etc we are dealing with the embodiment of HATE.
I have NEVER liked Bush. I don't think much of people who can't conjugate a verb let alone LIARS. And he came off as a double-talking LIAR and a dry-drunk. I am sick of the religious right in the US and their lip service to Israel too.
Olmert just feels like a complete wet fish to me. I'd rather have someone with a spine even if I disagreed with him. When I try to get a "grasp" on his agenda - its like trying to hold smoke. You can't. Blech.
You have to WALK THE WALK not just TALK THE TALK.
Thanks Layla!! Stay in touch. - B.
Wow, wonderful blog!
phyllis chesler has written about it quite eloquently
My pleasure. BTW-I'm one of the few that believe everyone should agree to disagree without acting like morons.
Well, I am one of the "religious right" BUT I walk the walk - not just talk the talk. We are not all blindfolded! LOL!
As for Bush, I voted for him twice -- Kerry would have sold out Israel, but now Bush is.
I have lost all regard and respect for Bush. It is not about the religious right - the religious right better get its head out of the dookie. Bush failed us --- period.
Barbara what did it for me was the day Bush said this:
"Islam is a religion of peace." Now that was a LIE! I never forgave him for that.
Furthermore, I know that from having lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and once being married to a fanatic-radical Egyptian Muslim that took my kids - threatened to have me killed - beat me etc.
If you come by my blog search up Why I could not become a Muslim or Up Close and Personal about some of my story.
There are things I want to write that I am debating about because my kids get in an uproar.
Thank G-d I am married now to a wonderful man and we have an eight year old son, soon to be nine. I am happy now, but my past is like a ghost that haunts me.
That is what Islam is - a ghost that haunts us, taunts us, and hopes to kill and destroy us.
So Bush can go blow......and yes, I am a religious conservative right--but I am not a blinded one.
I always call it and say it the way I see it. The religious right I do support - but they do not dictate what I write, think, or say. SPIT on that!
Hope you will keep in touch too!
I don't know what Kerry would have done except I was very disappointed in the Dems pick of him. I am not thrilled with Hillary or Obama either but Bush has NEVER impressed me. My gut on him was bad news from day one and I am glad I listened.
As a DV advocate I tell women one thing "do their words match their actions" in Bush and his administration's case - its a resounding NO.
I tell my kids it takes many different flowers to make a garden and many different people to make a world... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Shalom - Barbara