This has not been a great day. It started out with minor annoyance - my child's bus didn't show up and it was getting on to the time where class would start. So I drove her and a little boy from the same bus stop (who goes to kindergarten at the same school) in. The roads near me were intermittently flooded but I made it.

Listening to the news on the way home I was glad that, so far, the flooding hadn't effected myself or my neighbors personally. Typically selfish New Yorker. I opened my door to a TOTALLY DARK HOME. Yes, NO ELECTRICITY. I checked my junction boxes... nothing. So I took my flashlight and called Con Ed - who seemed to be clueless other than "we are working on it." I decided not to vent at a poor Customer Service rep. I told them that they should alert the radio media to area outages at least and was as polite as I could muster.

I had been in bed most of the weekend with Viocodin and heating pads. My M.S. has been in flare for a couple weeks now and its getting worse not better... so I figured I would just go back to bed and pray for the best. When I got up my electricity had returned. I took a very hot shower and came to check the news and saw this:

Tonight, I was on the phone with a friend who is personally affected by this horror. I ask that we all pray for the families of those hurt or killed and that somehow some sense be made of all this.

My complaints are petty in comparison. I hugged my kids tight tonight.

I don't think I am up to blogging this evening. Too awful for words. Will someone tell me WHY people do this to each other?

Till tomorrow.


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