One thing I have come to understand in the last 2 1/2 years I have been doing Domestic Violence advocacy work is how abusers operate and think. One thing they do is create their own "reality" and heaven help you if you know the truth or have the 'goods' on them. The first thing they do if you know them for who they really are - is blame shift and project: "it's their fault too", "they are abusing me", "they did it too", "never happened" and one of the all time favorites - "No, I AM THE VICTIM HERE."
And that's what Hezbollah and their ilk are doing. Crying victim. Putting up a poster to say "we did this because Israel hates us and we HAD to do it." And the more Israel digs in its heels (just like victims in every day life) and refuses to buy the bull and stand its ground - the more Hezbollah will escalate.
The Condis, Pelosis and U.N. naysayers only have to call their local Domestic Violence crisis center for a quick lesson in how the mind of angry, abusive people work. Maybe then they'd "get it."
Israel, you keep sticking up for yourself and places like Honest Reporting to keep telling the truth - no matter how much spin you put on it - the truth always comes out.
Abuse comes in many forms and types. It's hard to pinpoint why an abuser chooses a certain type of person. Unfortunately, that's usually one of the first things the victim tries to figure out..."why me?" There is no real answer, and the question implies that the victim, somehow, feels at fault.
It's not your fault! It doesn't matter what your abuser said...you did nothing to cause this. The problem and the fault is all theirs.
Abuse is the action of a weak person who uses a position of authority, influence or physical strength to control their victim and commit emotional, violent or sexual acts upon them.
The actions committed vary with each abuser, from neglect, intimidation and threat, to sexual or physical violence. Most abusers stay within their chosen type of victim and type of abuse, though many, if left unchecked, will escalate to a more serious form of abuse.
Without intervention, sexual abusers have a very high tendency to escalate the severity of their abuse. This is why it's very important to identify an abusive relationship early and get professional help and accountability to the authorities for the abuser.
As embarrassing and humiliating as it is for others to know what's going on, it's the only way to get it stopped so you can start healing.
Hezbollah erects large photograph of
two kidnapped IDF soldiers
two kidnapped IDF soldiers
Hezbollah militants erected a large photograph on Thursday of abducted Israel Defense Forces soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in an area along Lebanon's border with Israel.
Lebanese security sources said the three-by-five meter photograph showing Goldwasser and Regev had been put up in Aita Al-Shaab, near where they were seized on July 12, 2006.
Hezbollah supporters looked on, chanting anti-Israel slogans, while the poster bearing the slogan "for the sake of our detainees" and a yellow Hezbollah flag, was being erected.
A United Nations peacekeeping patrol monitored the event in the area, which is heavily monitored by IDF patrols across the border.
Hezbollah is demanding the release of Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails in exchange for the two men, whose kidnapping sparked the Second Lebanon war.