Before I get jumped on for being anti-male, let me say, yes -- Lisa Nowak has some serious mental problems. And no I am NOT giving the woman a pass here for what she did - criminal assault & robbery. But how did she get here? Just another crazy, jealous gal? Hmmm.... don't think so.
As an anti-domestic violence counselor, something seems fishy here. Smelly fish too. And not just that diaper Nowak was wearing. Granted, I see everything through the lens of my own experience. Don't most of us? So let me ask:
Why isn't Bill Oefelein being questioned more closely? He admitted he was seeing Nowak and another woman. I have a horrifying feeling he was playing narcissistic headgames with Nowak and she flipped out. I have experienced observing someone flipping out when a narcissistic type plays games with them. It's not pretty at all. And there's no talking to the victim when they snap - while the narcissist just walks away unscathed. The victim looks like... well - like Lisa Nowak.
Did Oefelein make some comment about being into or wanting to try bondage and Nowak in her desperation to please her man, and being emotionally brainwashed by Mr. Charisma, get photos and stuff she would have never done had she not been so trauma bonded to Oefelein? Did Oefelein swoop in on a vulnerable but intelligent woman and mess with her mind? I know how that is Ms. Nowak. Believe me I know.Poor Nowak is getting worked over by media vultures. But something more is going on here - will someone please do a bit more checking here before you crucify this woman? "Stalker SpaceWoman" didn't come out of thin air. What did Oefelein do to cause this? These things don't happen in a vacuum. I think she's been victimized and she snapped. In almost all these cases - I tell the police - arrest the calm one, the one who swears "I didn't do anything - he/she just went crazy." The one who looks nuts - got that way because of something the 'in control one' did.
Or someone prove me dead wrong. And Nowak still loves him - so she's going to take the blame... sigh.
Donning diapers wasn't the only thing kinky about former astronaut Lisa Nowak.
Cops now say the love-crazed spacewoman was carrying around bondage photos on a computer disk, according to documents released yesterday by Florida authorities.
Nearly all of the 16 images on the disk depicted bondage scenes - some showing a nude woman while others were drawings, the documents said.
It was unclear whether the woman pictured was the 43-year-old Nowak being naughty, and the documents didn't say who owned the disks.
Orlando police officers said they found the photos during a search of Nowak's car after her arrest in February for allegedly stalking, assaulting and trying to kidnap a romantic rival.
Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman and Nowak both had affairs with NASA astronaut Bill Oefelein, investigators said.
In her haste to confront her rival, Nowak drove from her home in Houston to Orlando, wearing adult diapers so she wouldn't have to take time for bathroom breaks, police said.
The mother of three, who is separated from her husband, tracked Shipman to an Orlando airport parking lot, where she pepper-sprayed her before the other woman got away, investigators said.
Police said Nowak had a BB gun, new steel mallet, a knife and rubber tubing when they arrested her.
According to the documents released yesterday, cops also found nearly $600, 41 pounds in British currency and four brown paper towels with 69 orange pills in Nowak's car.
The pills were being tested to determine what they are, authorities said.
Investigators also examined two plug-in storage disks taken from Nowak's car that contained family pictures, digital movies and NASA-related materials.
But they said the disks held no direct evidence related to the case, according to the documents.
Nowak's attorney, Donald Lykkebak, declined to comment.
A judge yesterday postponed Nowak's trial from July 30 to Sept. 24.
In addition to attempted kidnapping, Nowak faces charges of burglary with assault and misdemeanor battery.
Nowak has pleaded not guilty to the charges. NASA has dropped her from the astronaut corps.
Orange County Circuit Judge Marc Lubet, who is presiding over the case that has made headlines here and abroad, has asked lawyers for both sides to limit media contact.
But he stopped short of issuing a gag order.
"I'm just trying to keep the media frenzy down to a dull roar," the judge said.