I was busy this morning, while snow fell gently on most of the NYC area, and didn't get to blog this then. But, while having my coffee I took a brief scan of all my favorite blogs and was disgusted by a piece picked up by one of my favorite blogs DEATH BY 1000 PAPERCUTS.

Don't read me wrong, while DBKP leans more right than I do they have some great finds and laugh-out-loud, nothing held back takes on the news that I find reable and likeable. It wasn't DBKP that was enraging me - it was the news in the article.


House Bill 282, introduced by Show, Mayhill, Jr., and Read in the 2008 session in Mississippi.
"An act to prohibit certain food establishments from serving food to anyone who is obese, based on criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health; to direct the department to prepare written materials that describe and explain the criteria for determining whether a person is obese and provide those materials to the food establishments ; to direct the departments to monitor the food establishments for compliance with the provisions of this act; and for related purposes."
These men, with their bill, have bitchslapped every overweight voter who voted for them, every campaign dollar sent to them, every overweight person who pay taxes. Someone's mother, father, child or a tourist from out of state who is over the official "government" chart.

These men have overstepped their role as a representative by attempting to shun the "obese."

I have never lied about my weight issue. An issue which has plagued me for only the last 1/5th of my 50 years on the planet. Granted, Americans do need to exercise more, eat better and turn off the television and computer and talk a walk but there are a few Americans, like me - who aren't lazy or overeaters. We actually do have a medically verifiable problem. We don't like being overweight and we certainly are doing all we can, medically and personally, to shed the pounds.

Go over to DBKP and read Little Baby Ginn's piece on this travesty - CLICK HERE.

Don't these Representatives in MS have anything better to do with their time & resources? Shun the obese? Human beings trapped in fat bodies should be shunned?

I'm boycotting Mississippi.

Obesity Action Coalition Calls on the State of Mississippi House of Representatives to Withdraw House Bill 282 Discriminating against those Affected by Obesity

The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) is calling on the state of Mississippi House of Representatives to withdraw House Bill 282 (HB 282) that discriminates against those affected by obesity by restricting their right to dine in restaurants. The OAC strongly feels that HB 282 is outright discrimination against the obese population and an example of the often misguided attempts proposed to address the obesity epidemic.

Introduced in late January, the bill clearly states that members of the Mississippi House of Representatives are now seeking an act to prohibit certain food establishments from serving food to any person who is obese based on criteria prescribed by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
“HB 282 is the most blatant form of obesity discrimination. This bill completely perpetuates the negative stigma often associated with obesity. The thought of food establishments holding the power to first, determine the health status of a patron and second, having the ability to refuse service based on the determination of whether or not the patron is ‘obese,’ is completely outrageous. The OAC is seeking immediate withdrawal of HB 282,” said Joseph Nadglowski, Jr., OAC President and CEO.
With more than 30 percent of the population of the state of Mississippi considered obese, HB 282 would greatly affect the entire state. Discrimination against the obese and morbidly obese is already having a negative impact on the quality of life of many Americans. HB 282 would only further and strengthen that impact by intrusively affecting Mississippians statewide.
“We support states developing comprehensive proactive health programs addressing and assisting those affected by the disease of obesity through prevention and intervention in an appropriate manner; however, this type of discriminatory legislation is misguided and will not lower Mississippi obesity rates,” said Nadglowski.
To contact the OAC for further comment, please visit or contact the OAC National Office at (800) 717-3117 or

The mission of the OAC is to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. The OAC strives to educate obese individuals, family members and the public on obesity. In addition, the OAC will increase obesity education, work to improve access to medical treatments for the obese, advocate for safe and effective treatments and strive to eliminate the negative stigma associated with obesity.


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