SNAP! And I'm Not Gonna Try!
In undergrad school, for my senior thesis/ performance (I was an English Literature Major and a Theatre Minor) I choose a number of monologues to do that portrayed a variety of the themes theatre covers about women. Particularly as more than sex objects.

One of the hardest ones for me was Martha from "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINA WOOLF? " I love Albee's works and Virginia Woolf has been a favorite writer of mine for years. Woolf had a good grasp on the struggle of women to find balance and selfhood - a struggle which finally overcame her personally. But Martha is a tough role. She is very 3 dimensional and at the age of 22, despite getting a standing ovation, I knew I didn't have the inner experience to flesh her out the way I would have liked.
I think about Martha a lot, in light of my divorce, because my marriage had some similarities to Martha & George's. (Though Martha's loose sexuality was diametrically opposed to my own sparse sexual experience and puritanical morals)
But as I do work with other victims of verbal, emotional & psychological abuse I remember a line from a monologue of Martha's I did:

Radical Islam says it only cares about other Muslims and everyone else is expendible. That's sick, twisted thinking. You can't compartmentalize empathy and be a credible human being. It is simply not possible.
Why bother trying with people who lack the brain matter for common sense and empathy? That's not a person - that's a predatory animal.
On that note, I will post a "SNAP" Moment from the great Judge Judy - that goes to the core what real feminism is about. RESPECT. Please feel free to pass this on:
One of the hardest ones for me was Martha from "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINA WOOLF? " I love Albee's works and Virginia Woolf has been a favorite writer of mine for years. Woolf had a good grasp on the struggle of women to find balance and selfhood - a struggle which finally overcame her personally. But Martha is a tough role. She is very 3 dimensional and at the age of 22, despite getting a standing ovation, I knew I didn't have the inner experience to flesh her out the way I would have liked.
I think about Martha a lot, in light of my divorce, because my marriage had some similarities to Martha & George's. (Though Martha's loose sexuality was diametrically opposed to my own sparse sexual experience and puritanical morals)
But as I do work with other victims of verbal, emotional & psychological abuse I remember a line from a monologue of Martha's I did:
SNAP! It went SNAP! I'm not gonna try to get through to you any more. There was a second back there, yeah, there was a second, just a second when I could have gotten through to you, when maybe we could have cut through all this, this CRAP. But it's past, and I'm not gonna try. ---- Martha in "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?"I know that in my last relationships the respect for me went SNAP! And my respect for those that hurt & abused me went SNAP! too. What's even sadder is these perpetrators don't even care about regaining some of my respect. That's how little my humanity means to them. And believe me, if someone says they care about their friends and family but have zero compassion for everyone else - they're lying. Something is seriously wrong.
Radical Islam says it only cares about other Muslims and everyone else is expendible. That's sick, twisted thinking. You can't compartmentalize empathy and be a credible human being. It is simply not possible.
Why bother trying with people who lack the brain matter for common sense and empathy? That's not a person - that's a predatory animal.
On that note, I will post a "SNAP" Moment from the great Judge Judy - that goes to the core what real feminism is about. RESPECT. Please feel free to pass this on: